Minnou’s piggies

I saw a lonely little piggy in P@H once - labelled as having to live alone.
I went home telling myself that we were just about to move house and a young boar was the last thing we needed or could cope with.
The following day Micah joined the family 😁
Minerva wheeked on her own for the first time without Gaia!

It was barely one wheek, maybe even half a wheek, but the point is Minerva was the first to wheek, with no influence from Gaia.

I'm so proud. 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭

Treats were given.
I have a game I play with Gaia but I'm not sure what to call it.

I single her out then put both arms in the cage and lean over like I'm attempting to trap her, scoop her up and cuddle her but at the last second I don't; I just rest my arms wide apart on the bottom of the cage and make no attempt to get her. She waddles over to my face, I give her a kiss on top of her head, then she climbs over my arm, popcorns and then we do it all over again. 😂

I think the popcorn is to celebrate her successful 'escape' and she must think herself very clever and a master at evading me.
*Upon returning with thousands of blackberries I've picked*

'I'll make some Bramble pie today!'

Minerva: O_____O

Minerva: 'Gaia! The Slave said she is going to put Miss Bramble in a pie!'

Gaia: WHAT!?! I don't know what a pie is but I'm furious! The Slave is going to get such a biting! *starts mauling cage bars* 'Once I get out of here........'
NB: I gave the girls a blackberry to try (and they really love fruit) but they weren't interested. 👎
Dear Minnou

I don't want to be made into a pie! How can you put me, who you described only yesterday
like a cute little pom-pom with eyes.

into a pie? Yesterday, I was not a fan of your description of me but I let it slide as I thought that one day I could use it to my advantage. Little did I know that it would be so soon! I'm very happy to learn of Gaia's immediate reaction to the news. I've sent Gaia and Minerva a wheekmail.... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Yours very happy that you have been put on the Wall of Shame and been awarded the Cup of Disgrace.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Minnou

I don't want to be made into a pie! How can you put me, who you described only yesterday

into a pie? Yesterday, I was not a fan of your description of me but I let it slide as I thought that one day I could use it to my advantage. Little did I know that it would be so soon! I'm very happy to learn of Gaia's immediate reaction to the news. I've sent Gaia and Minerva a wheekmail.... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Yours very happy that you have been put on the Wall of Shame and been awarded the Cup of Disgrace.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward



The girls misunderstood! Bramble pie is another name for Blackberry pie. I would never, ever try to put you in a pie - I haven't the physical or emotional strength to take you on!

And my comment yesterday wasn't meant as an insult; I was merely impressed by how perfectly round and adorable you are!

Please show mercy! It is only 113 days until Christmas afterall!

Minerva was laid out with her cute little paws in front of her and she looked so adorable, I wanted to give her a pea flake to enjoy whilst she was chillin' in that pose.

I tried to pick up the pea flake box as quietly as possible so neither of them would get overexcited and move and the tiniest corner of the box barely scraped along the wall and out rushed Gaia, snack alert yodelling, and Minerva moved. 😣
Dear Minnou

I don't want to be made into a pie! How can you put me, who you described only yesterday

into a pie? Yesterday, I was not a fan of your description of me but I let it slide as I thought that one day I could use it to my advantage. Little did I know that it would be so soon! I'm very happy to learn of Gaia's immediate reaction to the news. I've sent Gaia and Minerva a wheekmail.... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Yours very happy that you have been put on the Wall of Shame and been awarded the Cup of Disgrace.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
At least you didn't get the 🪣