Merab's Herd

IMG_7391.webp Naomi’s best side !

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Micah and Ruth showing how to share a tunnel.

Micah would like to put in a request for Miss Bramble’s help.
He says that although the slave has been concerned about some weight loss he was very good at the vets and did lots of poops.
He’s taken his medicine nicely and is very bright and cheerful.
He says he’s even been good about the syringe food - until today.
The slave had the gall to give him syringe food without any banana mashed into it.
Please Miss Bramble, can you explain to our slave that the absence of banana is not acceptable.
Thank you. From Micah x
Dear Micah

I hear that you have been good boy taking your medicine and pooping lots for the vet. Also taking the syringe food which I've never had before but understand it's quite nice with other food mashed in especially mashed banana. I have heard that your Slave tried to sneak in plain syringe food today hoping you wouldn't notice. You did notice and you didn't like it.

Well done in making the first protest in letting your Slave know that this is behaviour from your her is totally not acceptable by refusing to eat the syringe food. You need to ensure that his does not happen again. I have looking in booklet "When your Slave doesn't feed you what you are expecting to be fed and what to do about it" and Page 2, paragraph 4 section 5 states "In all circumstances, your Slave should never hoodwink you into eating something that you think is something else" it then goes on to state that to ensure this doesn't happen again you have to
  1. Refuse to eat it (which you have already done)
  2. Do lots of poops of protest in her lap.
  3. Do a big wee in her lap.
  4. Wheek very loudly until she realises that her behaviour in unacceptable (try and get your friends involved too)
I hope your Slave never has the audacity to try to give you syringe food without mashed banana in it again.

Yours horrified how you've been treated.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
We are now just over 2 weeks into the newly formed herd and they have really settled well.
Phoebe is still skittish but getting better. She loves everypig.
Merab is just getting on with being Merab.
Priscilla and Jemimah have sorted themselves out and look as if they’re becoming good friends.
Today, for the first time, Priscilla came out of the cage by herself and happily explored further afield. She and Jemimah trotted around together part of the time. She’s learning from Jemimah and giving Jemimah the active companionship she’s been missing since Keziah died.
We’ve had 2 noticeable seasons which was fun.
I love my little herd.
I can’t wait til I have my little herd 😍😍 I’m adding 2 more hopefully this week ☺️
View attachment 228981 Naomi’s best side !

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Micah and Ruth showing how to share a tunnel.

Micah would like to put in a request for Miss Bramble’s help.
He says that although the slave has been concerned about some weight loss he was very good at the vets and did lots of poops.
He’s taken his medicine nicely and is very bright and cheerful.
He says he’s even been good about the syringe food - until today.
The slave had the gall to give him syringe food without any banana mashed into it.
Please Miss Bramble, can you explain to our slave that the absence of banana is not acceptable.
Thank you. From Micah x
I love Naomi's flops, she must be very chilled x
He says that to all the ladies, Miss Bramble. Don't let yourself be persuaded by his rumbly charms! :D
Dear Micah

My Mum Misty has warned me about boars like you! She says I have to keep my derriere away from you at all times!

Yours not understanding what that means

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Forum Friends,
We have had a terrible day - our cage SHRUNK!
It all seemed normal when Slave said it was time to clean the cage so Micah went to hide, Ruth went into a tunnel and I just flopped down in the way.
It was more messy and awkward than usual but then we discovered that most of our palatial cage had vanished!
Slave said we didn’t need such a big cage and now the boxes of hay can live in our room instead of the hall.
All we’ve been left with is a tiny cage, hardly room for a hamster, never mind us 3 gorgeous piggies.

We may need help from the GPU and GPFANS.

Love from Naomi - the chilled one

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Dear Naomi,
something similar happened to us a few months ago wegen we started to live on fleece. We were not amused but our slave didn't budge though we did A LOT of pooping outside of the cage and refused to go back inside. :yikes:
But they some weeks later our cage got bigger again and since a few weeks ago we're back to our original cage size.

So maybe our massive pooping did work in the end. We're sure that it also helped that Tessy did her nipping routine. :roll:
Wheeks Bonny
Dear Bonny,
Thank you for your encouragement. We shall have to hope our cage is also restored to its proper size.
We did start our pooping even before the cage clean was finished.
I am rationing my nips to lull the slave into a false sense of security.
She still has a tiny hole in her finger from the last nip which I gave her because she tried to give Micah his medicine before feeding me.
Love from Naomi
Dear Bonny,
Thank you for your encouragement. We shall have to hope our cage is also restored to its proper size.
We did start our pooping even before the cage clean was finished.
I am rationing my nips to lull the slave into a false sense of security.
She still has a tiny hole in her finger from the last nip which I gave her because she tried to give Micah his medicine before feeding me.
Love from Naomi
Wow Naomi! That's quite a performance!
Tessy is VERY proud of you!

Bit she also said that you have to be a bit more careful when nipping your slave. The art of nipping is to apply so much pressure that it hurts without breaking the skin. If you rip holes into your slave, she might not be able to feed you or clean up after you.

Wheeks Bonny
Dear Bonny,
That is true. I didn’t mean to draw blood. I just misjudged the pressure so I need to practise more.
I did make up for it by allowing her to stroke my head more .
Love from Naomi
Dear Naomi,
accidents happen. Vicky bit into our slave's finger once when she was still little, because she mistook the finger for a piece of cucumber.
It wasn't a pretty sight. :eek:
Wheeks Bonny
Dear Naomi

What do you mean your cage has shrunk? Dear me what is your Slave thinking of? I know your holiday cage is smaller than your normal cage and once your Slave retires you are going to be permanently on holiday so do you think she is trying to get you used to a smaller cage now in the hope that you won't notice or mind so much being in a tiny cage?

I have looked at Booklet "How to cope with a smaller cage and what to do about it" and page 6, paragraph 4, section 3a states "If your Slave ever thinks its a good idea to make your shrink your cage size let her know that it isn't" to do this you must
  • Run to where your cage was but isn't any more and wheek loudly in protest
  • Bite the bars loudly at the point where your cage was but isn't any more
  • When you are let out for floor time, run around the house and refuse to go back in to your cage.
  • Let your Slave know you are enjoying freedom outside your severely reduced cage by popcorning, zoomies and by playing follow my leader.
Yours hoping that the above tips help you to get your lovely big cage back

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward