Merab's Herd

Ahh, but don't forget it was my security concept. :cool:
But Heathers will be with my added security measures. I, along with my Piggynapping Pal @Siikibam, can get round most security devices, so I am perfectly placed to advise Heather on high security antipiggynapping devices.
You are all reckoning without Naomi - her wheek can literally wake the household!
No-one can get away with anything here without Naomi noticing and commenting- very loudly :D
Bring ear muffs
Naomi is your Morality Police!
Hope you all have a lovely time enjoying the sights of Liverpool/the Wirral :D
Naomi is finally letting me stroke her head when she’s in the cage - it’s only taken 6 months!
Yesterday she even let me remove a piece of fur that was stuck by her eye - it was white fur so not hers.
No holding, no cuddling but I’m happy with the occasional head stroke and sitting at the bars for a chat.

IMG_7250.webp She is so beautiful - not that I’m biased :D