Furbabies' Adventures

Tomorrow, Odi has got his next dentist appointment. I'm a big nervous.
First of all, the vet can't do a concious dental any more because his lower incisors have gotten so thick.
And secondly, he has broken one of his upper incisors a few days ago. I hope that the second one won't brake tomorrow while the vet is doing his molars.
Tell me! There is always this anxious moment to see whether the hairs on the side of the belly are moving...

Dylan was my specialist in giving me those scares.
My Queen of death napping was Chelsea.
And even though I knew that she was only sleeping, there always was this moment of panic... every time. :eek:
Oh my goodness, what a pretty girl she was :love:
Yes, she really was. She had the most beautiful eyes and a lovely pigsonality.
She had the nickname "Goldschweinchen" (Golden piggy) because of all her vet costs during her first few months living with us. :D
And of course because of her colouring.
No heatwave here!
We’re in Northumberland for a few days - I think the scenery is stunning but it can’t be seen for the cloud and rain!

Gorgeous piggies- really looking forward to seeing them again ( and you, of course 😊 )