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Flesh Eating infection? Would love comfort and advice.

Back on antibiotics today! Theres blood in her wee so still signs of infection. She’ll be on them for another two weeks and then I’ll get a urine sample before taking her off them! Thank you again for everyone’s kind words, I do hope that if I update here I can help a future piggie! 🥺💗
It’s good to update! The reason TEAS exists is because I used to regularly update how my piggy, Poppet, was doing, when she developed dental issues! I learnt so much from Poppet and so did many others!
Glad to hear she's back in the abs, it does seem they were working. Hopefully a longer course will get rid of her issue for good! ❤️🤞
Thought I’d do a quick update on progress.
Image on the left is when I started to notice the infection, middle is at its worst (when flesh was just coming off her?) and the last one is now! As you can see her fur is growing back quite wonderfully which is fab to see!
She is on metacam, antibiotics and a cream twice a day still she has two weeks on, a few days break and then a 3rd week as of today. I’ve defo noticed her getting better my only issue is her bum is still getting wet and she’s weeing a lot! I weighed her and she unfortunately hadn’t gained weight although I really thought she had from feeling her!

Anyway it’s all looking good just wanted to keep this updated for future pig parents 💗


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Aweee just want to say thank you for all the comments I really struggled with trying to get her better so having all this love really means so much to me, I had a lot of tears over helping this piggie and having this forum really helped me know I was making the right decision! 🥹🥹🥹💗

I will update again if I notice anymore changes, she’s still on the antibiotics and metacam for now. Her bum is healing great I’m just finding wee is still leaking out her, it doesn’t seem like she does proper wees anymore, she just dribbles wee constantly 😫 I’m hoping this is just part of the infection and will get better in time I’m just going to keep an eye on it!

Thank you everyone again. This forum is the best!!
Not sure if this will update on the feed or not if I’m speaking into the void now lmao.

Yen was doing a bit better, but I checked her today because she sounded in a bit of pain again and her bum is infected again. Shes been clear of an infection for a little while although her parts never returned fully to normal. Since she had the infection she’s had incredible wet poos no matter what she eats and is constantly weeing.

I’ve messaged my exotic vet in the hopes I get an appointment soon, we did a urine test and because it was high in protein my vet said it may be a kidney issue that we would have to manage with medications.

If I can be fully honest, I’m just getting very tired. This has been going on for around 2 years, and since I even had yen yen as a baby she has had so many varying different health issues (she’s now 4).

I will see what my vet says but I’m wondering if it will be kinder to pts. If I’m tired of it I know she is. I’m spot cleaning the cage twice a day, I’ve spent £1000s on medical stuff, I’ve been on and off giving her antibiotics and forcing them down her because she hates them. I’m just not sure what to do now. She has also lost weight but never gained even a little bit back no matter how much I’ve fed her.

I’ve attached her butt pic for you to see. Please please any advise would be wonderful. Is it wrong to PTS if she’s still eating and drinking? I’m scared I’m just prolonging and I’m aware pigs cover up pain well as pray animals and that makes me worry a lot. I don’t know what to do anymore, but for now I’ll wait For my vet and I will be led by her.


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Also this is what her droppings are like, there’s always a crazy amount and super wet and sticky so they clump together usually :(


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I just wonder if a longer course was needed to completely get rid of the infection. The problem is, like doctors, vets are very reluctant to prescribe antibiotics for extended periods, due to the concerns of antibiotic resistance. I really felt you were getting there!
Okay thank you I’ll try her a bit longer and see can’t really lose anything at this point
I understand why you feel like you should help her over the rainbow bridge. You know your girl best and it sounds like you feel that she is surviving rather than living. I don't know you or Yen but just reading your thread is enough to show that you are a loving and dedicated owner. You continued to fight for her health long past the point when many would have given up. I don't think anyone here would judge you if you make the tough choice of PTS..
Be kind to yourself. ❤️
I am so sorry, you have been so dedicated to Yen and I can understand how exhausted you must feel. Caring even for poorly piggies for a few weeks is exhausting never mind 2 years. If you feel that her quality of life is poor then I would have a frank discussion with your vet. Whatever you decide we are here to support you, take care x
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Aw, it's such a shame she was getting so much better! I hope your vet can give you some advice on what to do next. Whatever you choose, you will have chosen with love and care for Yen x
I truly hope the vet can find something to clear it up again! ❤️🤞
You're doing an amazing job with Yen :wub: it's exhausting looking after sick piggies & to have been doing it for nearly 2yrs is a credit to your devotion to her :luv:

Just a thought... But I used metronidazole for treating a fish years ago, it came in liquid form & was very expensive -but it worked relatively quickly .
Years afterwards the vet prescribed tablets that I had to soak, mush up & dissolve into the water because they were a fraction of the price. This was more of a faff & not half as effective. Just wondering if it would make any difference to Yen which form it was given?

You know her best & it's obvious that you love her dearly and want what's best for her,so go with what she's telling you, what's her quality of life - is she happy doing guinea pig things?You'll know in your heart you're doing the right thing whichever option you decide.
Thinking of you,big hugs :hug:
Make sure you take care of yourself too. Xx
You're doing an amazing job with Yen :wub: it's exhausting looking after sick piggies & to have been doing it for nearly 2yrs is a credit to your devotion to her :luv:

Just a thought... But I used metronidazole for treating a fish years ago, it came in liquid form & was very expensive -but it worked relatively quickly .
Years afterwards the vet prescribed tablets that I had to soak, mush up & dissolve into the water because they were a fraction of the price. This was more of a faff & not half as effective. Just wondering if it would make any difference to Yen which form it was given?

You know her best & it's obvious that you love her dearly and want what's best for her,so go with what she's telling you, what's her quality of life - is she happy doing guinea pig things?You'll know in your heart you're doing the right thing whichever option you decide.
Thinking of you,big hugs :hug:
Make sure you take care of yourself too. Xx
Thank you so much for everyone’s lovely and understanding comments. All I know is yen still enjoys eating and drinking, she never really popcorns but she will stand on her hind legs for food. I am going to discuss with my vet but we’ve decided that we’ll return to antibiotics and pain relief and see how she goes as she was getting better. My vet said before that it seems as tho there is something wrong with her kidneys which does worry me. I don’t feel like she’s given up yet but it worries me when I remember that pigs are good at hiding pain and the last thing I’d want is her to suffer ever. She doesn’t deserve that!
I am praying that when I know it’s time, it’ll be time. ATM I still feel unsure. I’ve never had a guinea pig die before so I’m not sure if I’ll really know when is time? We are taking it day by day for now x

Today she had a bath because her bum was very stinky again and she was having trouble cleaning it, she also had a big treat and she enjoyed it! So there’s something nice at least!


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I am very sorry that the infection is coming back.

It speaks for the depth of your love and care that you are questioning how far you are willing to take Yen and how much you want to put her through.

Unfortunately, that is something you really need to discuss with your vet in an open but respectful talk - how far any further treatment can take her, what it can do and what not, the areas nobody can predict etc. so you have then a much more solid medical basis from which to work from and from which to decide when the balance is no longer working for Yen and for you.

This will help you immensely for your own long term peace of mind. You can only ever judge any case on its own merits - and as these things go, Yen is way out there. You won't have to make an immediate decision, so give yourself time to think things through, sleep over it and then listen to your inner self.

My thoughts are with you.
Hello I’m back again!
Unfortunately I had some big family problems so was unable to focus on Yen.
However she has now started a 0.2ml of Semintra daily alongside metacam.
Her poos are totally normal right now, she was having very soft bowel movements but they seem normal again now. She has an appetite still but not gaining weight yet, she is quite small.
The only real problem with her is she is very stinky (even after a bath) and her bum and hind legs are constantly covered in wee.

I’m going to discuss properly with vet but for now I will keep her on this medicine and monitor her. Not sure whether to do another round of the antibiotics (eradia) she was on before but I’ll ask my vet and see what’s recommended
Thank you for all your kind words and support!
Sorry to hear you’ve had family problems!

I’m confused as to why she’s on Semintra, as it’s a medication for hypertension (high blood pressure) in cats! It does also reduce protein in the urine. Is that the reason for giving it?