The challenge with grass is we live in a flat in south London, so grass is hard to come by and it will be covered in dog wee, we have picked and washed some but I worry that we don’t clean it enough!
That’s interesting that it was stressed induced cystitis the vet did mention it could be that, he is on meloxadyl (dog) 0.4ml twice a day and he does appear to be in pain before he has it and it settles. The wee is bright bright red is this normal? When I have looked at other posts on the forum it looks cloudy and milky where as this is proper fresh blood
He is on baytril now as a bit of a test to see if it is an infection or not, but I’m going to call our vets in the morning to check with them that they are happy with what he has been prescribed. If we don’t see an improvements in the coming days then I think I’ll be booking in with Simon when he is back for a second opinion.