RSBM for focus
Hello Eriathwen,
I didn't want to write this back in December when your grief would have been very raw, but this is the first time I heard that a guinea liked watching TV! I've never actually had a TV myself so I wouldn't have noticed. I read it in one of the Olga da Polga books by Michael Bond, but according to the author at the time of writing neither he nor Olga were quite clear on what all came from her active imagination and what all was true! Olga ended up dancing in her imagination (i.e. irl in the book at least standing up on all 4 guinea paws) while watching a ballerina on TV some days after having had a bad fall out of her cage and not being able to stand.
Guineas are such characters, so special in their little ways that I do believe you of course, it's just something I never would have thought, since
seeing e.g. grass on TV isn't like
smelling it in real life! I did have 2 young boars who loved gazing out the window while eating and then when I had to move their cage to beside a wall, they continued gazing that direction but it was as if their little jaws had dropped: there's nothing to see!
I had a little guinea a long time ago who looked like Mabel, especially in your first pic of Mabel. That was Mucki (which is not pronounced 'mucky') and I have had other elderly guineas since who lay on me the way Mabel is lying on you. They are very sweet pigtures you have there. I was reading back in your thread a bit and enjoying looking at some of your guinea photos.
I hope you can read this all without feeling devastated-sad.