Eriathwens piggies

Thankyou, its certainly a worry, as much as shes "fine" in herself, she also cant just live her life with a hole in her abdomen. I've decided to deviate slightly from the original plan, my vet said to be very sparing with the flamazine on the wound as its currently out of stock everywhere due to supply, I've ordered a tube of medical grade manuka honey to pack the wound with after its been flushed. That way I will only need a tiny amount of the flamazine on the surface. This type of wound seems to be exactly what the manuka honey is advised for so fingers crossed it helps, I suppose the worst it can do is nothing.
Fingers firmly crossed for a good outcome. I'm sure we've used manuka honey along with some other cream from the vets for a wound that wasn't healing well before in the rescue centre. I think it worked. It's amazing stuff.
Fingers firmly crossed for a good outcome. I'm sure we've used manuka honey along with some other cream from the vets for a wound that wasn't healing well before in the rescue centre. I think it worked. It's amazing stuff.

Yeah I remember buying some as a child when my parents wouldn't take one of my boars to the vet, he got attacked by a couple of other piggies and had some nasty wounds, it worked well. I bought the same stuff a friend of mine in Scotland was given by her vet so fingers crossed it does something!
Ah good luck - manuka honey does really work !
It’s good she’s eating etc
I hope you see improvement asap ❤️
Poppet is such a patient little sausage, sitting nicely for her wound flushing 🙂

I've made an appointment for Silver to see the vet tomorrow, he isnt eating properly..his lower jaw/incisors are causing him problems. He is trying to eat hay but can't. But he's able to eat soaked pellets etc out of a bowl and he's pooing well. He was drooling awfully last night but after getting a piece of cabbage vein out of his mouth, he's stopped doing that!

Silver had his teeth burred and had a whole load of muck cleaned out the gum pockets which apparently smelled awful. He is picking at some grass, but he now has his new teeth feeling, hopefully once he gets used to them he will feel more confident picking up food.

I've decided that rather than waiting for Mabels back end issues to resolve before bonding, I'm going to clean his cage out and put him with Biscuit. I'm hoping having a friend again will give him a bit more enthusiasm again. He still sits where Forrest died, its sad to see. But equally I've been worried about adding a more abled piggy that will out compete him for food.. but I'm fairly sure he should be OK
Good luck for Silver and Biscuit, hope it goes really well for bonding them. I’m sure it will help him no end finding a new friend.
Fingers crossed for a successful bonding and that Silver gets used to his new teeth and starts using them properly. I’m just in love with little Poppet’s face. What a gorgeous look she’s giving you - she clearly knows you are trying to help her despite it being unpleasant.
Well, the plans to bond Silver and Biscuit will sadly no longer be going ahead. I had to get our cat to the vet this morning due to urinating blood (he's been sorted) and when I went to check on the piggies, found poor little Biscuit had passed away in her sleep 😔 I'm pretty shocked to be honest, I know she was a bit of a ticking time bomb and she outlived way beyond what I was expecting, but I'm still very shocked and sad.
Ah I’m sad to read about sweet Biscuit - always defying the odds and doing things her own way
Such a sweet piggy - popcorn freely at RB lovely Biscuit and say hello to lovely Forrest
You’ve been thru so much just lately ….sending you love ❤️
I am so sorry you lost little Biscuit, how sad, she was such a sweet little lady 🌈
I’m so sorry. What an awful shock for you. Popcorn high over the bridge Biscuit ❤️
So sorry to read this sad news about Biscuit. Sleep tight beautiful girl.❤️🌈
So, Silver is still not able to pick up long strands of hay or grass, I'm thinking there's some facial nerve damage going on, I have a feeling that losing Forrest caused a seizure or something as my vet did comment on more pronounced head and eye movements when he saw him, added to the difficulty picking up food seems to make sense.

So far he has been living off of soaked pellets, grated veggies and whatever small pieces of hay he can pick up. I did however order a sample box from somewhere, I cant remember what new website now but it only cost the price of postage so figured it was worth a try. Anyway it came with something called sweetgrass, a chopped dry grass that was quite soft.. which he seems to be eating very well, so I've ordered a big 15kg bag of something similar, hopefully he will be able to eat it.
I'm going to be getting Mabel to the vet next week to see about her sore bottom which has come back, and once she's more comfortable..providing she doesn't pull a Biscuit, I'll try her with Silver.

Poppets wound is looking very good and internally, has almost completely healed, there's a hole about the size of a matchstick head at the top, if not smaller, left to heal up and then just the skin layer to go. Her hair is also growing back nicely, amongst the dried manuka 🫣

Personally I've not been very well, I'm hoping it's just an iron deficiency, I've been told to take it easy for a while with regards to exercise, I've been flip flopping between being unable to stay awake and unable to sleep. I've got bloodwork on the 9th then I'll be speaking to a doctor about what's going on. So I'm really hoping that will help, because I've had to get help from a friend to keep up with cleaning out the piggies and I'm so tired of being too exhausted to continue doing everything myself.

Silver has taken his job of scaring me half to death very seriously lately and has been really perfecting his death naps, even my friend has had to stop a few times just to make sure he's still breathing!
Little 🥲

Oh gosh I hope dear Silver keeps eating the short hay strands - good to hear about Poppet’s wound !
I’m sorry you’ve been unwell and so exhausted
I hope your blood test reveals what the problem is - certainly low iron,VitB,VitD deficiency can all cause those symptoms
Wishing your piggies and you lots of healing vibes ❤️
I am sorry things aren't going so well for you at the moment. Looking after sick piggies is exhausting at the best of times, doubly difficult when you don't feel well yourself. I hope you are all better soon.
Sending you supportive thoughts. I hope the new matches work out amongst your lovely oldies
Well done with the care for Poppet, it's amazing how well she is doing ❤️
Sending lots of healing vibes, hope you find out what’s making you feel so poorly and recover soon 🤞Hope Silver enjoys his sweet grass when it arrived and those teeth grow down and he can get chomping again
That sound is looking great 😊
Thankyou guys, I've got Mabel an appointment on Friday so hopefully next week she will be comfortable enough to try bonding.

I ordered a box of veggies from a new place called Rabbit box UK? I think? They had a black Friday sale on half off so I figured it was worth a shot! It arrived today and its lovely, I cant believe the size of the dandelions and the sheer volume of herbs in the bags is ridiculous 🤣
Safe to say the piggies very much enjoyed their dinner tonight! Although Bella and Cherry appeared a little bit suspicious.

Mabel had her appointment earlier, with our old vet in the new practice...? 😅 and he agreed with me that her bottom isn't infected. It does indeed seem to be blocked scent glands, or something very similar. A quick look online suggests it's probably her perineal glands, but the paste she should be smearing when she scent marks is sitting, drying out in the pockets either side of her anus and building up, causing discomfort.

She had them cleaned up properly, much to her annoyance and thanked me with a couple of very good bites. But she's now clean and empty, and I'm OK to clean them out again every few weeks to stop them getting uncomfortable, I cant do her any damage and its nothing bad like a tumour or infection.

Which means that its also nothing she can pass to Silver, once she's had the weekend to rest and for the soreness to go, I'll be bonding her and Silver next week. Hopefully Monday, I've got bloodwork to be done so I'd like a pretty chilled out day keeping an eye on the piggies anyway.
