Eriathwens piggies

Oh dear, poor piggies! Luckily they have a great mom. I hope Panda gets better soon and no one else gets poorly,
Hope things improve soon, you could really do with catching a break.
Bless them both. I hope they are soon feeling much better. Panda obviously wanted some of the TLC that Mabel was getting.
Lots of healing vibes to poor Mabel and Panda, hope they recover very soon and you get a break x
Thankyou all, its very appreciated. Pandas snotty nose has cleared up but Mabel is pretty much the same as before. I've not seen them much today unfortunately as my mum was taken into hospital last night, shes been there all day getting tests etc done and is currently going into surgery due to an intestinal blockage.
We've been given all the outcomes, some not so great, but fingers crossed she comes out fine. My grandad (her dad) passed away after similar if not the same surgery depending on what they find when they get in there, although he had bowel cancer and she does not..but she is still very scared.

So once again, it's been a long day. I've just got home from visiting and done the piggies veggies. It's going to be a long night waiting to hear how she does I think.
Hope your mum is ok. Fingers crossed that it is something easily treated.xx
Sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope she's OK. My FIL had an operation years ago and had part of his bowel removed due to a blockage he went on to live at least 30 years afterwards.
I hope your mom is OK and recovers from the operstion quickly. What a difficult time.
Thankyou all, Mum's doing ok, they couldn't find any blockage when they did the surgery luckily they didn't do the surgery when they fully open her up.. it was just keyhole, they think it's something she was born with. She's still in a lot of pain, and tired but she looks a lot better than she did yesterday.
Panda is still doing well and Mabel actually lowered her foot today, not to the point its on the floor, but I think she's getting there.
Good to hear that your mom is feeling a bit better. Hopefully the pain will soon go. Mabel and Panda are improving; good news!
Pandas nose has cleared up but she's lost some weight and doesn't seem to have much appetite. Pippin is very hormonal again, I have a feeling its what is behind Mabels injury and Panda feeling run down so I will probably have Panda and Mabel in their own cage once Mabels leg is doing better. She's down with me having some grass and fuss at the moment, not sure how she's comfortable how she's laying but as long as she's happy 🤣

Hoping your Mumm8 feeling a bit better today and in less pain

Thankyou, shes doing everything they want her to be doing now, so hopefully she will be able to come home soon, and shes in a lot less pain, shes mostly been complaining about the injections to prevent blood clots as shes getting them in her stomach near where she had the surgery. Just need to make sure she stays more mobile and hydrated in future to hopefully prevent it happening again.
Panda is hating being syringe fed, but having the time of her life causing absolute chaos digging under the blankets and knocking things flying 🙄 at least she hasn't lost her attitude! I suspect she has some arthritic pain going on, she's one of my few oldies not on pain relief but at a couple of months over 6 years old, shes got to have some arthritis going on somewhere. I'll get her booked in to be checked over as soon as I can just to be sure but judging by how she's holding her back legs I'm almost certain.

Sorry, she is such a striking piggy, she is so pretty, she must know she can get away with anything! The two of them are so cute! It's good to hear your mom is improving. I hope she feels more comfortable.
Great news that your Mum is getting better - those anti blood clot injections really really hurt - poor thing ❤️
So Mum's been home since Thursday afternoon, shes doing well..just a bit sore. Things have been a bit manic between caring for her, Mabel and Panda as well! Luckily Panda is doing much better tonight and is eating semi normally and her bloated belly is soft again. She's still pooping awful looking small poos but hopefully they'll improve over the weekend as she eats more.

We've also apparently had Panda 6 years today! Which seems absurd, given the chaos she regularly causes I often forget she isnt one of my youngsters anymore 😅

Great to hear that your mom is back home with you again. The piggies must cheer her up too. Mabel sensibly motivating Panda to eat 😄 Two beautiful girls 😍