Eriathwens piggies

Ah beautiful Tilly …..always doing things her way ❤️
I’m so sorry to read this but glad you didn’t have to decide for her - she had the most wonderful life with you all
Look after you 🥰
Popcorn freely at RB lovely Tilly ….reunited with your lovely daughters
Oh bless her- what a lovely girl and what an amazing life you gave her. Take care, we know how special she was to you.
So sorry that you lost Tilly, but it sounds as if she had a lovely ending, at home, in peace and surrounded by love.
You gave her an amazing life.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Hugs 🤗
So very sorry for your loss. Tilly had the best life with you and chose her own time to leave for the rainbow bridge. A piggy life well lived.❤️🌈
Thankyou all, I collected Tilly yesterday. I didn't post as, since she passed, I became increasingly unwell with a fever. I got some antibiotics yesterday, I'm not 100% yet but feeling more human at least although some of my lymph nodes are still incredibly sore and swollen.

I feel really bad for Banjo and Lily, they keep as far away from eachother as possible, every time I go into their room they're on opposite sides of the cage 😔 something I'll have to keep an eye on in case I need to move a pig in from another cage.

RIP little one. Such sweet little paw prints! I hope you feel better and more comfortable soon. I hope Banjo and Lilly feel better soon too.
Get well soon. I am so sorry you lost Tilly, sending hugs, you gave her a great life
Thankyou, I'm doing a little better today already. Unfortunately I'm allergic to the penicillin based antibiotics and not very tolerant of the rest 😅 so I'll probably feel rough until I've finished those but we're on the up at least.

Thankfully I've caught Banjo and little Lily closer together a few times today, they seem in good spirits and appear to be moving on from their loss. I think Lily is a bit too flighty for cuddling, and Banjo is missing having someone to cuddle up to, maybe she will come round in time. If not I suppose I'll have to find the time to take him out for cuddles myself, see how he does then, which would be nice..ive not had a massively cuddly boar since Leonard
good that you are feeling a bit better, some of those AB do make you feel yuk but if they get you better then it’s worth it
Poor Mabel was at the vet today, her front left leg decided to cause her issues again, this time as well as being unable to put weight on it, its hot and swollen so she's got a pretty decent whack of baytril to hopefully resolve it. Luckily it does seem to be a soft tissue issue as I suspected last time. I'm not sure if it's from others bullying her or just one of her special Mableisms.. I would hate to seperate her permanently from her friends if theyre not responsible but I've not seen anyone deliberately do anything to her, shes just a bit slow to move out the way of the others when they get excited.

She also decided to scare the life out of me just now 🙃 I went in to get her for her syringe feed and she was laying on her side in her little sectioned off area..when she started to thrash around and ended up on her back, even when I picked her up she kept trying to thrash her legs. I dont know if that was a seizure or if I just scared the hell out of her while she was asleep. She seemed to recover almost immediately, so I'm hoping it was just she wasn't able to stand up with her sore leg and got a fright..

Poor Mabel, she looks sad and sore. I hope she gets better soon. Sending comforting thoughts to you and your piggies 🌼
Poor Mabel. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Does Mabel have trouble with her hearing? We noticed one of our recent additions would overreact and panic if he was asleep and we disturbed him. We have since realised that he is completely deaf. Coincidentally, he has also recently had a leg injury (no idea how it happened). Thankfully after a week of Metacam he is fully recovered and back to annoying the girls (maybe they shoved him off the ramp for a bit of peace :lol: ).
Poor Mabel. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Does Mabel have trouble with her hearing? We noticed one of our recent additions would overreact and panic if he was asleep and we disturbed him. We have since realised that he is completely deaf. Coincidentally, he has also recently had a leg injury (no idea how it happened). Thankfully after a week of Metacam he is fully recovered and back to annoying the girls (maybe they shoved him off the ramp for a bit of peace :lol: ).

I must admit I have wondered, she is such a chilled piggy it's hard to really get her to react to much at the best of times, she does seem to hear some things, but it certainly would explain if her hearing wasn't perfect, especially with having the ear infections the other month.
Apparently Panda drew the short straw and its her turn for a health issue again! Poor lady looked a little sorry for herself earlier and has developed nasal and eye discharge, her lungs don't sound too bad but she's on baytril now. Can't get a break! Luckily Mabels foot is much less hot, and a little less swollen although she still won't bear weight on it, keeping it off the ground.

I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time with your piggies at the moment. Sending healing vibes to Mabel and Panda and hugs to you.
Oh gosh it’s all go at yours - take care of yourself and I hope Panda and Mabel get better asap ❤️