Eriathwens piggies

Glad your Mum is home again. I hope she is okay and managing to get enough rest.
My guinea pigs draw a lot of attention from the Sainsbury's home delivery drivers. I'm sure they think I'm totally mad having six guinea pigs in large cages my living room!

I've had similar with delivery drivers, I've not had time to buy veggies normally for a couple of weeks now so I've been using "Just eat" to get them in from the local co op and asda.. most drivers always say something about how healthy I eat 🤣 luckily the piggies are upstairs so I can just pretend that it's true, and I don't live off crisps and chocolate!
Well today was interesting! I had to call an ambulance for my poor mother again (she's back home and fine now, resting) but 3 paramedics came out, one had to go upstairs to make a phone call as it's the best place to get signal here, she noticed the guinea pigs.. cue all 3 of them in my guinea pig room taking pictures and asking questions!
It does make me laugh at how surprised people always are that they all have names and that I remember them all 😅
I’m glad your mum is ok and she’s back home.
So the specialist didn't believe that the other medication would be suitable for Tilly.. I disagree, but it is what it is! If she deteriorates again I can get another appointment with her even though she isnt currently consulting so I suppose that's something 🫠 so for now I'll figure out how to manage her vertigo myself, without medication.
I suppose it does give us a chance to see if doubling up her baytril does any good, silver linings and all that.

Unfortunately it's probably safe to say that Tilly does not have much time left, I thought she had already passed this morning, as did my friend who came round earlier and went to check on her.

Shes still comfortable and alert, but she is extremely tired and keeps falling asleep. She isnt eating as of a few hours ago, although still pooping so fingers crossed the motility meds she's had, helps with that. She still wants her critical care feeds and is swallowing and chewing, but she doesn't want grass, veggies or any solids.

I did feel a bit like I was dressing her for dinner putting all her tasty morsels around her within easy reach 😳 which I don't think she found as amusing as I did when I perched a sprig of mint by her head!

Shes currently taking a nap after being fed

I'm sorry. I hope you can take comfort from the fact that you have given her a wonderful life full of love and most excellent care. Sending you hugs at such a difficult time for you.
Thankyou, I must admit..knowing that I am losing her to old age after a long, happy life, instead of some horrible illness or disease has been comforting. Granted there isn't much that is "right" with her, but none of those things are what we are losing her to.
You've given Tilly a life of tlc and love. She has thrived under your care. Is she 8 now? Have I remembered that correctly?
You've given Tilly a life of tlc and love. She has thrived under your care. Is she 8 now? Have I remembered that correctly?

Thankyou, yes she is 8 years and 9 months. I was so hoping she would see her 9th birthday, but she apparently has other ideas. But still, she's done incredibly well even if she doesn't get to see 9! Bless her.
Oh Tilly what a wonderful long life you have had, filled with so much love and care. However long you have left you know it will be filled with love. ❤️

It’s so sad but she’s had a fabulous life. What more could she wish for. She is such a sweetie.
She’s an amazing age and has lived a wonderful life with you.
It doesn’t make the prospect of losing her any easier though.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
Well, now that it's June I suppose it technically makes her officially 8 years and 10 months 😅

I've managed to get her eating and pooping again, she's actually a lot brighter. Oddly enough I had been reading about how metacloperamide may also be used for vertigo.. which I have plenty of. So, seeing as she wasn't eating or pooping, I figured sod it and gave her some. It has had the desired effect in that things are moving again, albeit stringy and not the best consistency but also by no means the worst!

I left her to sleep on a nice warm heat pad as well, she was out cold for a good 3 hours. Slept like a log!
I'm slightly concerned she had a very small seizure earlier, but its hard to say. She could well have just been deeply asleep and dreaming. Her eyes kind of sank in, flickering, and her ears were flapping, lasted about 3 seconds and then she just sat there very vacantly, eyes open while I stroked her and spoke to her for another few seconds and then she did a full body twitch and started stuffing herself with grass 🤷‍♀️

If she has been having these small neurological events it would explain why she has been so tired today.. possibly also the loss of mobility.

Anyway, I've just put her to bed and after 2 doses of the emeprid/metacloperamide she's eating well and sitting up looking much brighter. She's tried to walk a little bit but hasn't managed it very successfully, but she hasn't tried that for days. I dont know if its just wishful thinking, I'm not getting my hopes up as she is still very frail and obviously rather old so for now, I'm going to get a few hours sleep and cross my fingers she's still feeling not too bad when go to do her medications next.

She was luckily much brighter today which we are grateful for. She has been trying more to move around which unfortunately resulted in a couple of falls/getting stuck on her side but this didn't seem to phase her at all.. both times she was eating and didn't even take a break in chewing! Silly sausage, but she got more coordinated as the day went on.
She has been doing well, eating loads and her poops are looking much better, although still not perfect. This was day 3 I think since she last needed a bath! And while she still isn't covered in urine she does seem like she would benefit from one tomorrow. So hopefully she will enjoy that, and getting blow dried again 😅

Here she is earlier with her big pile of grass and dandelions she had for breakfast

Tilly has been doing pretty well the last couple of days, thankfully. She has stopped falling over and seems to have learned how to sit herself upright again and seems to have a lot more strength. She's also been staying dry, mostly due to the lovely new pee pads I ordered from CandE cosies.

She has however developed a not so nice issue, I wasn't going to post a picture but I'll be honest in all the years I've had piggies I've never actually seen any photos of impaction in female guinea pigs. It's no worse (to be fair, it's actually less unpleasant) than clearing male impaction, as without the anal sac the smell is almost non existent. I figured maybe it would be educational to post.. rather than just me being a weirdo with a photo of a guinea pigs backside on her phone 😅

Glad to hear that she is stronger and more mobile. The extra poo is good in a way, but hopefully it won't be difficult to get out. She has such a good mom!
Poor Tilly. Just one thing after another. Thankfully, she has you to care for her.xx
So not much change with Tilly, she is still soldiering on although her impaction has cleared up 😊 we are still taking things one day at a time.

I'm actually an hour late for doing pellets as both she and our cat Willow have been asleep on me.. my arms gone dead and I'm so behind on things I need to do but I don't have the heart to wake either of them 😅🥰

So not much change with Tilly, she is still soldiering on although her impaction has cleared up 😊 we are still taking things one day at a time.

I'm actually an hour late for doing pellets as both she and our cat Willow have been asleep on me.. my arms gone dead and I'm so behind on things I need to do but I don't have the heart to wake either of them 😅🥰

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