Engel's Herd

Your shed looks great as do your pigs! 😊

I've been reading your thread and just being nosy about the dog wee thing! I've had dogs all the time I've had guinea pigs (firstly a girl JRT and a boy sheepdog, then two boys and now just one boy) and I never knew anything about guinea pigs not going on grass where dogs have access to? I've never had a problem or ill guinea pigs and now feeling very guilty and stupid about not knowing this- what does dog wee supposedly cause to happen to guinea pigs? I can't say mine wee in the garden much as I'm a dog walker so we walk all day so they mostly wee out and about and the boys wee against fences or trees in the garden in general, not on the grass but my guinea pigs have been going out in our garden for years in the summer with no problem. Feel very guilty! At the same time though I wouldn't want to stop my dog or pigs going in the garden...I love being out there with all of them together in the summer.

Anyway, sorry for going off topic, again your pigs and setup look great 👍 😁 (back on topic again!)😉
What's making you suspicious? I don't know about ageing piggies I'm afraid.
If I'm honest I thought she was older than Jupiter right from the start. I don't know why, just did. That gut feeling hasn't really gone away. I did think that Jupi could potentially be her son, again, I don't know why but wouldn't be surprised if she was the mother to the batch as I never got to see the mum.

Pictures didn't do it justice when they first came. It was like an adult pig next to a baby pig. Not only was she double everything of Jupiter, nails and coat were different too. She has much coarser hair and thicker more opaque nails, Jupiter was softer almost fluffy and his nails were thin and translucent.

Her nails are more yellow now and curl, definitely still thicker than Jupiters. Jupiters have started going more opaque but easily see the quick, Eris' are more difficult as not all (quick) are as visible anymore.

She's also not really grown in length since I've had her yes her weight has increased but her general body condition has improved greatly since then.

I may just be going mad because of lockdown. But I've often sat back and wondered.
Update - Weigh day!

Po - 723
Jupi - 907
Eris - 947
Mia - 788

The babies aren't babies anymore :( I can't believe how small they were (despite being large pups to begin with). They really do grow up fast.

Pair wise everyone is fine. Doing popcorns and zoomies. I made Jupi a couple of cuddle cup type thing...yes, that's totally how you sleep in it :xd:IMG_20210318_003041934.webpIMG_20210319_232924729.webp
Ugh I'm going to have to write down safe foods for the pigs.

Gave the girls some broccoli that was left over as Jupi can't have it (he bloats). Eris has started to bloat (gas) :(

She's had 2ml gripe water and a tummy massage. She's happy. Still eating, drinking and pooping.
(Just writing this bit so I know what time and whatnot if vets are required)

Hopefully it'll settle soon. I don't recall this happening when she was younger but then again she was heavily pregnant so idk.

No kale, cabbages, Pak choi, cauliflower or broccoli for you Eris. Which is a shame as she really enjoys them.
Oh no! Hope she’s better soon. I have to say I can’t remember the last time mine had cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli...probably early last year. I’ll give them 1/4 - 1/2 a Brussels sprout but even that’s not often. Once a year if they’re lucky.

There are lots of other veg they can eat so don’t worry too much 🙂
Oh no! Hope she’s better soon. I have to say I can’t remember the last time mine had cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli...probably early last year. I’ll give them 1/4 - 1/2 a Brussels sprout but even that’s not often. Once a year if they’re lucky.

There are lots of other veg they can eat so don’t worry too much 🙂
Thanks siikibam. She seems better today. Not visibly bloated now thankfully. Still sounds a tad hollow when I tapped her side so gave her an extra ml of gripe water and tum massage this morning. She's happily munching hay as we speak so hopefully that's it.

I'm so glad I decided to syringe train all my guys as silly as it sounds. No restraining or chasing round the cage needed. Just show them the syringe and over they come. Less stressful for everyone. Little Mia was trying to get what mum was getting too. Lol.
Piggies have had grass for the first time! Very small amount though as I know grass can cause bloat if they're not used to it and as Eris has a sensitive tum anyway, I gave an even smaller amount which I'll hopefully build up over the next few weeks in prep for lawn time.

@Piggies&buns wood Vs metal runs?
Piggies have had grass for the first time! Very small amount though as I know grass can cause bloat if they're not used to it and as Eris has a sensitive tum anyway, I gave an even smaller amount which I'll hopefully build up over the next few weeks in prep for lawn time.

@Piggies&buns wood Vs metal runs?

Definitely Build it up slowly!

For me it’s wood every time. I feel they are more secure and sturdy
Pigs are doing well everyone's gained weight, Eris has maintained these last few weeks. Babies are now 4 months old and at 786g and 813g already! There's less than 150g between their weights and their parents weights.

Also Aldi had these 2-in-1 cat beds in so I obviously got 2. :D


Both the boys love it girls haven't tried it yet as I'm waiting for pee pads to dry but no doubt they'll be a hit
I’ve got one of these. I used to use it for the girls’ couch time.
Also an update on the cages. IMG_20210412_144301987.webpIMG_20210412_144321498.webp

They seem happy with it and often zoom and popcorn together. Any suggestions on how to make it any better or is it looking pretty good considering there's only 2 pigs in each cage.

When I put them out. Should 1 snuggle safe each be ok? (I've got 2 and ordered 2 more so wondering if I need to get more)
Put in 2 snuggle pads each. That’s what I do when it’s particularly cold, which it was last night with frost outside!

I would also take out some of the bridges. It seems to be a lot. They would have more space to run around.
Put in 2 snuggle pads each. That’s what I do when it’s particularly cold, which it was last night with frost outside!

I would also take out some of the bridges. It seems to be a lot. They would have more space to run around.
We had snow here last night. Quite a covering too. Ok I'll order more (and spare covers).

I'll remove a bridge from each pair. They like to have a bridge each to sleep under and they share the cat bed 😅
I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My room is getting really warm now. 25c and over. But can't put pigs out as night is 5c. Only have 1 snuggle safe each. (Last night I could stand outside (on concrete) in thin socks, shorts and t-shirt. So it's not super cold). Any ideas? In my room they have a fan. Window open or closed with curtains drawn when sub is facing the window. But they're getting really warm now and breathing quicker. Which I know is bad.
I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My room is getting really warm now. 25c and over. But can't put pigs out as night is 5c. Only have 1 snuggle safe each. (Last night I could stand outside (on concrete) in thin socks, shorts and t-shirt. So it's not super cold). Any ideas? In my room they have a fan. Window open or closed with curtains drawn when sub is facing the window. But they're getting really warm now and breathing quicker. Which I know is bad.
I've frozen some bottles of water. If they're small bottles they can be stuck in socks and put in with the piggies. Big bottles can be wrapped in towels or fleece.
If its particularly hot hanging wet towels covering the outside of the window blocks the sun and takes away some of the heat.
I've frozen some bottles of water. If they're small bottles they can be stuck in socks and put in with the piggies. Big bottles can be wrapped in towels or fleece.
If its particularly hot hanging wet towels covering the outside of the window blocks the sun and takes away some of the heat.
Yes I am trying that but my room is above the kitchen so get a lot of heat through the floor as well. Have some bottles in the freezer ready.

On a different note, pigs are going to have some lawn time today. Well the boys will Eris got a bit gassy with the grass I put in the cage so the girls won't go out just yet
Pigs are doing well. Eating, pooping, gaining weight and getting on fine. They're now out in the shed! It's weird not having them inside BUT they're really happy in their new space. At night when I let the dogs out you can hear them popcorning (well just about). Wheeking every meal time. Nothings changed, just their environment. But as I said they're very happy in their new home.
Has anyone got any ideas on what I can use to cover the foil insulation. When the sun shines on it, it's blinding
Has anyone got any ideas on what I can use to cover the foil insulation. When the sun shines on it, it's blinding

temporarily, could you cover it with a blanket (Or two!).
Otherwise, a more permament covering would be to line the entire shed with wood (thin plywood). This will also help with insulation and is my plan when my new shed arrives (four weeks and counting!).
temporarily, could you cover it with a blanket (Or two!).
Otherwise, a more permament covering would be to line the entire shed with wood (thin plywood). This will also help with insulation and is my plan when my new shed arrives (four weeks and counting!).
I didn't think plywood was safe? Or is that only if they chew it?

Oh exciting! You will have to show us when it's done.
Its fine as long as they cannot chew it.
My shed has (and the new one will also have) c&c grids around the edge so they cannot chew any of the wood the shed is made from

Pigs are getting on very well. Boys are showing no signs of issues which is great. I understand that they're in probably the most difficult stage in their lives (Jupiter is 9 months and Apollo is 5½ months). But even rumbling is minimal.

Weighed them too and did their nails.
Apollo- 872g
Jupiter- 974g
Dysnomia- 904g
Eileithyia- 1kg!
Am I crazy if I make curtains for the pig shed? Has anyone already done this? (If so can I see)
Am I crazy if I make curtains for the pig shed? Has anyone already done this? (If so can I see)

My shed has curtains but it was originally a summer house that was here when we bought the house, I didn’t actually put them up. They don’t close fully across the windows and they are on a curtain wire rather than a pole or tension rod.
I will be putting curtains up in my new shed (hopefully coming next week!)
Been busy planting for the pigs. So far got thyme, parsley, dill, oregano, basil, marjoram (?), Coriander, spinach, peppers, mixed salad leaves, radish and celery. If it all comes then they'll have a lovely variety.

I've ordered some different hay to try. On Amazon. Shorefields? Idk 17-22kg meadow hay for £18.99 which isn't bad. I'll do a little review when it comes. Should be here by the end of the upcoming week.

I've never been so excited to get hay. What have these piggies gone to me lol
Hey it's currently thundering. Should I be worried about the pigs? They're all warm and tucked up in the shed with the hutch covered.
Got the bale of hay. Omg it's so soft! It's barn dried and a little dusty but not too bad. My bale weighed 20kg and paid £18.99 including free delivery. Comes in cardboard box too.

I'm happy with it. Pigs are happy with it. So a win-win situation. Should last me just over a month even with them being outside.

Here's a link to it if anyone's interested:


Also a few photos: