Engel's Herd

Got the bale of hay. Omg it's so soft! It's barn dried and a little dusty but not too bad. My bale weighed 20kg and paid £18.99 including free delivery. Comes in cardboard box too.

I'm happy with it. Pigs are happy with it. So a win-win situation. Should last me just over a month even with them being outside.

Here's a link to it if anyone's interested:


Also a few photos:
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It’s alway great when you find good quality hay at good prices!
I use Haybox and get through 20kg in 3/4 weeks with five animals (all outside/shed)
It’s alway great when you find good quality hay at good prices!
I use Haybox and get through 20kg in 3/4 weeks with five animals (all outside/shed)
Is that how much you use in cooler months or warmer months.

With my pigs they were getting through 5kg of hay every 1 ½ weeks (roughly) just as eating hay when they were inside. So now they're outside I'm using more just to help keep them warm (probably more than I need but they aren't complaining).
Is that how much you use in cooler months or warmer months.

With my pigs they were getting through 5kg of hay every 1 ½ weeks (roughly) just as eating hay when they were inside. So now they're outside I'm using more just to help keep them warm (probably more than I need but they aren't complaining).

I buy 20kg year round. However, in summer, I will still have slightly more hay still in stock as my delivery becomes due. In winter its cutting closer to running out as my next delivery arrives. So I would say 15kg ish in summer, 20kg (perhaps a little more) in winter.
Although my hay goes between the two piggies and three rabbits - the rabbits eat slightly more than the piggies but the piggies have more in bedding so it probably equals out!
Ugh just looked at the grass now it's grown and there's toadstools! Will the ground still be ok after it's been mowed several times and the ground is dry?
Ugh just looked at the grass now it's grown and there's toadstools! Will the ground still be ok after it's been mowed several times and the ground is dry?
given some are toxic, I would not allow them on the grass unless you are absolutely certain they are gone and not coming back. They can spring up anywhere so I’d be very cautious about the piggies being on the grass
given some are toxic, I would not allow them on the grass unless you are absolutely certain they are gone and not coming back. They can spring up anywhere so I’d be very cautious about the piggies being on the grass
My garden gets quite boggy so any time we have a lot of rain, they pop up :(
Mushrooms have gone now. Lawns been mowed. I've put a c&c run on the lawn to stop the dogs going there for a bit (haven't got round to buying a proper run yet). Will leave it a bit before putting pigs on lawn to see how the grass is looking. If I'm not happy with it then I will not be putting them out onto it. The run will have to be on the patio with a fleece down so their little feets don't get cold.

Will share this as I'm annoyed with someone. Apparently I spend "too much time" in the pig shed. I "practically live' there. I go in there a minimum of twice a day to top up hay, water, give food and now it's getting warmer I often stick my head through the door to check the temp. This has just really annoyed me as I'm just making sure that they're ok. They believes they're the type of pet that you leave at the bottom of the garden and check on once a day if they're lucky.

Anyone else get this?

Older two are 11 months old. Babies are now 7 months old!
Apollo- 966g
Dysnomia- 984g
Jupiter- 1060g
Eileithyia-Eris- 997g

(Eris has lost some weight since the change of hay. I'll be going back to haybox as I'm not happy with the hay).

I was thinking about when one passes from each pair. Hopefully a long way off yet but how would I go about it.

I'd like just one group of pigs (4-6) so sows would be the best option as I doubt I have room for a bachelor herd. Now when one boy passes how would I work it? Obviously getting him a friend is the best option but wouldn't I have to get 2 in prep for the older boar passing?

Also with the girls, is it easier to introduce a pair before one passes or after?
If a boar passes first, then your single boar would either have to live alone side by side with the girls if he isn’t neutered OR be bonded with another boar. This means you will never be able to create one single herd as you cannot house two boars with sows.
If he isn’t neutered he obviously cannot go in with the girls at all. Your option here is to neuter both boys now while they are young so that if one of the boys goes first, he can be bonded with the girls straight away (as he would be six weeks post op).

You could not bond the remaining boar with two more boars because three boars together doesn’t work. When it comes to having boar pairs, there is always going to be a time when one passes that the other one is alone for a while while you wait to find another suitable boy for him to be bonded with.
If a boar passes first, then your single boar would either have to live alone side by side with the girls if he isn’t neutered OR be bonded with another boar. This means you will never be able to create one single herd as you cannot house two boars with sows.
If he isn’t neutered he obviously cannot go in with the girls at all. Your option here is to neuter both boys now while they are young so that if one of the boys goes first, he can be bonded with the girls straight away (as he would be six weeks post op).

You could not bond the remaining boar with two more boars because three boars together doesn’t work. When it comes to having boar pairs, there is always going to be a time when one passes that the other one is alone for a while while you wait to find another suitable boy for him to be bonded with.
Has anyone on here had a neutered boar? What is the recovery period like? They'd obviously have to be indoors while their wounds are healing. Then be transferred out.
Has anyone on here had a neutered boar? What is the recovery period like? They'd obviously have to be indoors while their wounds are healing. Then be transferred out.

There are multiple neutered boars on here!
Recovery period is usually relatively quick for a complication free surgery - a few days and they should be feeling much better.
The key to make an op as safe as it can be is an experienced vet.

Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
Tips For Post-operative Care

Hopefully you won’t have to consider merging etc for many many years yet but don’t forget space considerations and plans for separations if things don’t work. A single herd of 4-6 piggies (either all sows or with one neutered boar) requires between 14 and 18 square feet of space - I know you have that with the way you’ve got it now, provided the shed is warm enough in winter for them to be able to remain with access into the gridded area outside of the hutch. There are no commercial hutches big enough for that many piggies to be locked into.
A bachelor herd would require lots of piggies and lots of space - youd be looking at around 10 older boars to make it work and around 100 square feet!

Having a unneutered boar pair myself, I’ve spent hours pondering what I’m going to do going forward when one of them passes
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There are multiple neutered boars on here!
Recovery period is usually relatively quick for a complication free surgery - a few days and they should be feeling much better.
The key to make an op as safe as it can be is an experienced vet.

Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
Tips For Post-operative Care

Hopefully you won’t have to consider merging etc for many many years yet but don’t forget space considerations and plans for separations if things don’t work. A single herd of 4-6 piggies (either all sows or with one neutered boar) requires between 14 and 18 square feet of space - I know you have that with the way you’ve got it now, provided the shed is warm enough in winter for them to be able to remain with access into the gridded area outside of the hutch. There are no commercial hutches big enough for that many piggies to be locked into.
A bachelor herd would require lots of piggies and lots of space - youd be looking at around 10 older boars to make it work and around 100 square feet!

Having a unneutered boar pair myself, I’ve spent hours pondering what I’m going to do going forward when one of them passes
Yeh that's space I don't have regarding bachelor herd. I'd like to have that space though 😉

Yes this year will be their first winter outside so I'm going to record morning and night temps Vs temps in the shed. Difficult to do now as sun does spend time facing the shed thus making thermometer read higher than what it is.

To be honest I've been debating whether to put a snuggle safe in these past few nights as they've dropped to as low as 10°! But I check in the pigs at night and they're lay on their cooling tiles Or spread out in the middle of the hutch. So that confused me.

Hopefully I won't need to merge like you said and I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking x amount of years into the future.
How old are your boys now?
Yeh that's space I don't have regarding bachelor herd. I'd like to have that space though 😉

Yes this year will be their first winter outside so I'm going to record morning and night temps Vs temps in the shed. Difficult to do now as sun does spend time facing the shed thus making thermometer read higher than what it is.

To be honest I've been debating whether to put a snuggle safe in these past few nights as they've dropped to as low as 10°! But I check in the pigs at night and they're lay on their cooling tiles Or spread out in the middle of the hutch. So that confused me.

Hopefully I won't need to merge like you said and I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking x amount of years into the future.
How old are your boys now?
It’s got chillier here too but nights are still around 14 degrees, meaning my shed isn’t less than 18. I still fill part of the hutch with hay but they are actively avoiding setting foot in the hutch at all and choosing to stay in the shed itself so I know they aren’t feeling the cool down in temperature at all (The hutch door is permanently open to the shed floor in late spring/summer.)

They are just over 3 years now
Micah was neutered - his recovery was a bit slower than normal as the poor little boy developed a scrotal abscess after surgery but it was easily dealt with and he bounced back, moved house and lived next to his prospective wives until he was safe.
Weigh day today! Everyone is doing well.

Apollo- 964g
Jupiter- 1067g
Dysnomia- 994g
Eileithyia-Eris- 1033g

My neighbor has kindly given me 4 very large floor tiles for pigs to lie on to help them keep cool which I'm very grateful for. The pigs love them!

Here's their hutch setup at the moment:

I will be making a correx tray to line the hutch as a lot of bedding is being kicked out.

Pigtures of the crew:
Piggies had a little paddle today or lettuce fishing as I call it. )Shallow dish with enough water to cover their toes. Scatter some lettuce. Let them enjoy).

Jupi and Mia jumped straight in. Po and Eris only wanted to get their front paws wet so stayed along the edges (they can reach the middle from the edge so they weren't missing out). They enjoyed it. Jupi kept climbing in and out even when there was no lettuce. Lots of wheeking and popcorning.

I set up the c&c that's to be moved inside when it's too hot out. Placed it on the hutch...I have room for more guinea pigs right? :))

I feel awful! Went food shopping and it was cool out so left shed doors open. (21°) When I came back only 1.5 hrs later it was 31°C in the shed! Poor piggies! (They're fine by the way I checked).

I've set up a c&c cage up inside that's going to be permanently up during summer so I can easily pop them indoors without having to faff about too much. A fan is set up by the side of the cage and bottles in the freezer (to lie against). First time I've messed up and only happens to be on the warmest day so far (here anyway. 28 has been the highest up until now and they were inside then until it had cooled down). Poor piggies. :(
Hey guys hope everyone is well. Does anyone know if science selective grain free pellets come in bigger bags?
I hope your piggies are ok
It’s awfully hot. Mine have moved out of the shed and are set up in my living room - probably going to be for at least a week looking at the weather reports.

Hey guys hope everyone is well. Does anyone know if science selective grain free pellets come in bigger bags?

I'm pretty sure they only come in the 1.5kg bags
I hope your piggies are ok
It’s awfully hot. Mine have moved out of the shed and are set up in my living room - probably going to be for at least a week looking at the weather reports.

I'm pretty sure they only come in the 1.5kg bags
Mine are ok. Currently in my room with fan on, cool pods and damp towels over hides. They're currently spending the day in the house then back out at around 10pm until 10am the next day, just as it's cooler outside than in the house. Last night it was 25° in my room yet in the pig shed it was 17.5° (with both shed doors open). I know it's not ideal moving them in and out.

Same here. The week after is meant to be cooler (21°) so should be easier to keep them cool.

Well that sucks. Why don't they do a bigger bag? One bag is lasting me about a month. Which isn't too bad I know but only a few bags at a time are stocked here.

Did you say you were using haybox pellets? What are they like? Are they grain free also?
Mine are ok. Currently in my room with fan on, cool pods and damp towels over hides. They're currently spending the day in the house then back out at around 10pm until 10am the next day, just as it's cooler outside than in the house. Last night it was 25° in my room yet in the pig shed it was 17.5° (with both shed doors open). I know it's not ideal moving them in and out.

Same here. The week after is meant to be cooler (21°) so should be easier to keep them cool.

Well that sucks. Why don't they do a bigger bag? One bag is lasting me about a month. Which isn't too bad I know but only a few bags at a time are stocked here.

Did you say you were using haybox pellets? What are they like? Are they grain free also?

My shed isn’t really cooling down overnight so they’re staying inside until it does. It was 38 degrees in there yesterday (36 right now), only dropping to 22 by first thing this morning.

Yes I use haybox pellets. The ingredients are now available on their website. My piggies like them. They are cold pressed and are harder and larger than ss pellets but they only get a few individual pellets anyway (less in summer as they eat more grass)
My shed isn’t really cooling down overnight so they’re staying inside until it does. It was 38 degrees in there yesterday (36 right now), only dropping to 22 by first thing this morning.

Yes I use haybox pellets. The ingredients are now available on their website. My piggies like them. They are cold pressed and are harder and larger than ss pellets but they only get a few individual pellets anyway (less in summer as they eat more grass)

It got up to 40 in mine yesterday (thankfully pigs were out before it reached 25). It's currently 32. They may stay in over night as it's not meant to drop much come midnight.

Oh I'll have a look. :D
Really warm today and now an amber alert for extreme heat has been issued!

Pigs seem to be ok though despite the fact it's 28° in here (coolest part of the house). No one seems to be breathing fast or lay really spread out. Still eating, drinking and even pop-corning and doing zoomies. Crazy.

Both pairs are making use of the tiles which have a damp towel on them. Pigture of the boys, it's too dark to see the girls.IMG_20210719_165537653.webp