Engel's Herd

Looking good so far! Keep us updated on progress!

(You‘re making me excited for when my boys’ new shed arrives, I’ve got shelving, layout, insulation all planned, just need the shed now - approx 10 weeks to go!)
Very nice!! Is it possible to have hutch envy? 🤣
That looks like the P@H Bluebell Hideaway that I've got, is it? Sorry if you've said previously and I've missed it!
Looking good so far! Keep us updated on progress!

(You‘re making me excited for when my boys’ new shed arrives, I’ve got shelving, layout, insulation all planned, just need the shed now - approx 10 weeks to go!)
Will do. I've never been so excited over a shed/hutch ect. I've measured the space and I should be able to have a 3x3 at the front of the hutch so when they can't go out into the run they can get some extra space. Think the total space would be roughly 20sqft of space (with my grids as they're only 12" wide rather than the standard 14"). So for 2 pigs that's huge

When you get your shed and start doing stuff do show us :)
I've ordered some readigrass. Am I right in thinking that this is a treat type thing?
Woo we're done! Had enough insulation to do inside the hutch too. Also enough to wrap around the bottles.

I still need to get some insulation tape stuff, hutch cover, proplex from Wickes and thermometers.

I've currently got a thermometer out in the shed but I want one that records min/max temp within 24hrs. Currently the shed is 19 degrees while the outside is 8 degrees (according to met office).
@Piggies&buns @Siikibam

Looked on weather forecast. Meant to be nice for next few weeks. Using the guide that shed is 10 degrees warmer than outside. (Plus I have tarp and duvet for cover at the mo). It should stay at 15 degrees and above at night.

End of the month there is a chance of frost though. Would you think I'd be able to put them out now? Then they'll have roughly 2 weeks to adjust before potential frost's?
Hmm I would potentially wait until after the frost. But I’ve only had mine outside since last summer so don’t know as much.
It’s also the temperature difference between the house and the temperature in the shed (it’s that the shed is staying significantly warmer than outside - mine does too and It makes things easier!) that you need to look at it Before considering when to move them out.
Do also consider what the weather is like now for it to be staying 10 degrees warmer - ie if it is sunny then you’re going to get more warmth than if it is cloudy, and frosty, the 10 degree difference may be less then meaning it could be cold in the shed when compared to the house which They are used to.
it’ll be a bit less of a factor next year as they will have been outside and acclimatised ready for next winter
It’s also the temperature difference between the house and the temperature in the shed (it’s that the shed is staying significantly warmer than outside - mine does too and It makes things easier!) that you need to look at it Before considering when to move them out.
Do also consider what the weather is like now for it to be staying 10 degrees warmer - ie if it is sunny then you’re going to get more warmth than if it is cloudy, and frosty, the 10 degree difference may be less then meaning it could be cold in the shed when compared to the house which They are used to.
it’ll be a bit less of a factor next year as they will have been outside and acclimatised ready for next winter
Shed temp is the same as inside. Temp difference I took while cloudy and windy :) I've put layers of covers on the hutch and attached a thermometer so I have an idea. When I last looked it was at 17 degrees and still climbing. It's still cloudy and windy. I've been trying to keep my room between 15-20 degrees in prep for putting them out
Shed temp is the same as inside. Temp difference I took while cloudy and windy :) I've put layers of covers on the hutch and attached a thermometer so I have an idea. When I last looked it was at 17 degrees and still climbing. It's still cloudy and windy. I've been trying to keep my room between 15-20 degrees in prep for putting them out

Excellent. Providing it doesn’t drop too low when the frost comes then it might be ok. You are going to have to be careful though given they haven’t had time to prepare
Excellent. Providing it doesn’t drop too low when the frost comes then it might be ok. You are going to have to be careful though given they haven’t had time to prepare
Just double checked the forecast as I was told potential frost but idk where they found that because according to 14 day weather forecast there isn't any? I dunno.

I bought a few snuggle safes today and was going to order some more in prep
So if I was to pack the hutch with lots of hay (meadow), covered hides with fleece/blanket, add a few snuggle safes they should be able to go out? I'll pop them out tomorrow if temp continues. It'll be sad putting them out as I've got used to them being inside 😔
So if I was to pack the hutch with lots of hay (meadow), covered hides with fleece/blanket, add a few snuggle safes they should be able to go out? I'll pop them out tomorrow if temp continues. It'll be sad putting them out as I've got used to them being inside 😔

It’s got to be your call - you need to be sure that they aren’t exposed to large temperature fluctuations - that the temperature out is very close to what it has been inside; and that it remains that way.
That is only part of the story though, youve got to be aware of the humidity change as well - the air in the house will be drier than the air they are exposed to outside.
It’s got to be your call - you need to be sure that they aren’t exposed to large temperature fluctuations - that the temperature out is very close to what it has been inside; and that it remains that way.
That is only part of the story though, youve got to be aware of the humidity change as well - the air in the house will be drier than the air they are exposed to outside.
Holding at 16 degrees at the moment.
The thermometer I have has a humidity thing on it. Was 40-50% indoor and and in the shed it's 44% currently.

Can you define large fluctuations.

I'm going to wait until we're into April. It's dropped to 12/13 degrees and it's only going to drop more. Nevermind
It sounds like a good decision - the last thing you want is to expose them to risk, but it’ll also stress you out. Itll give you time to really monitor what is happening with the shed temperatures now its insulated
Next winter, of course you still need to keep a close on what is happening out there, but they will have been through the gradual decline of autumn and they will be more accustomed to it than they will going out too early right now
Update - weights
Weights are currently at a plateau. Nothing to speak about.

- Pairs
Girls are fine. Rumbling more than the boys weirdly.
Boys are lovely.

We need to speak about Jupiter.
This guy has come a long way. Oh my. Today I had a shock... he's allowed me to stroke him in the cage. No running away. Can't believe it. Still in shock. So proud of him :yahoo:

Telling a piggy's age is notoriously difficult and can definitely not be done from a picture.
Didn't think you would if I'm honest. Is there anything to look for? Teeth? Feet? Body? Any signs for an older pig?
What's making you suspicious? I don't know about ageing piggies I'm afraid.