Black piggies
Forum Donator 2023/24
I can almost see 3...Update on Everyone!
(I'll put it in one post as my other thread will get merged with this one).
13 months old now and still a snuggle bug. I love our cuddles, I love cuddles off all my lot but there's something special with Eil. It probably stems back to when she was pregnant and me getting in as much love and cuddles just in case there were problems and didn't make it. So now as soon as I pick her up she pancakes and I can lie there with her on my chest (with her pancaked of course) so relaxed and I feel so lucky to have her. There's so much emotion. Anyways, she's doing well loving life. Enjoys nose scritches and chin rubs most days. If you said to me when I got her, 'hey we know she's a baby but she's going to have 2 huge babies, be a fantastic mother, bounce back quickly, be easy to handle, can hand feed her even tiny pellets and stroke her in the cage and have her respond to her name in less than a year. Enjoy.' I'd have thought you were mad. Yet here we are.
Also 13 months old and huge. Family keep saying how much of a monster he is (in size). Love's nose scritches and will accept them multiple times a day. Chin rubs are reserved for lap time only and all he does is pancake and relax. I didn't think he'd be this relaxed when I got him as he's always been very nervous and flighty. I thought maybe a few years time but not yet. He's a lovely little character and will always stick his nose through the bars for a quick nose scratch and greet me. He doesn't feel the need to hide now.
Chief Wheeker does an amazing job at alerting the group when food is coming. I can't believe he's almost 1. Doesn't seem that long ago I was watching him be born. He's the same size as Jupi now and they've seemed to have bonded really well despite them being only 3 months apart and going through teenage stage at the same time. They eat together, sleep together, popcorn and do zoomies together. They groom each other and give each other kisses. It's lovely to watch.
10 months old and heaviest in the group at the moment. She greets me every time I see her, coming right up to me in the cage/hutch. Rarely I can give her a nose scratch but she's my only piggie that isn't a fan of being touched. That being said, we had a nice cuddle so that might change. There's nothing else really to say about her. She makes her mum look small and is a law to herself. (Which is funny as Dysnomia is the goddess of lawlessness). Someone chewed your coat? That'd be Mia. Peed on you, yup Mia. Jumped out the hutch and refusing to go back in. You guessed it, Mia. Lol she's just a character and wouldn't change her for the world.
The little squirrel is growing in confidence everyday. Little guy eats like a horse and loves a cuddle. He's come out of his shell really quickly. Both he and Basil do everything together.
15 weeks old now I think and no doubting he's a boy! Currently he's the loudest wheeker of the group. He's currently going through a phase of rumbling a lot followed by a lot of pop-corning and zoomies before going back to rumbling. Which Cyril then joins in on and they both go zooming around the cage like nutters.
Outdoor pigs have been bought inside. I tried the pads but piggies were so cold to the touch and dropping to 8° in the hutch. Tonight's meant to be colder still and the next 2 weeks is looking the same so I've bought them in as I don't want them to be out in the cold. Everyone's settles. Boys are next to each other in the same configuration as they were last time. I think they remember each other. Both boys greeting the babies through the bars with kisses and lots of wheeking and poporning.
There's 5 piggies in this photo, can you spot them?
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Your choking question, I'm not aware of piggies choking, but they can occasionally eat too fast and make a coughing, clearance noise, which is fine.