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Does This Require Urgent Vets Today?

What do I do with Beans? She already knows there's something wrong with Toast because she keeps trying to lick her and comfort her, and is currently sleeping where Toast would normally sleep.

Do I let Beans see Toast once she's passed so she can understand what's happened? Beans will be so loney, they bicker but they need each other.
Will I be able to stay with her at the vets and hold her while she passes?

I'm so sorry. Only you can make this decision for Toast.

You can stay with her. I had to make this decision in May for my pig and I was there for the whole time. The vet only wanted the nurse to hold Ampeeri while they gave the first shot of anesthesia, in order to not give me a memory of him twitch in my arms when he felt the needle. After the shot was given, he was immediately placed in my arms, and the vet left us to be alone with him while he fell asleep, and I held him all the way until the end. They will also allow you to say your goodbyes as long as you wish.

I wish you all the strength for today. In your heart you will know what's right for your Toast xx
If you opt to bring her home again then you can let Beans see her so she knows what has happened.
I feel like I've let Toast down. Surely there could have been something to help her?

She's lying down in bed with me curled up on my lap. I just hope she can feel how much I love her
You haven't let her down at all, you've been amazing. Its normal to feel like that though. I still do after losing Bubble in March and Squeak in April after what was initially bloat with both of them. You never stop questioning if you could have done more but you really couldn't have and I know I couldn't have either. x
I feel like I've let Toast down. Surely there could have been something to help her?

She's lying down in bed with me curled up on my lap. I just hope she can feel how much I love her
Of course she can, and you have not let her down.
You have given her every chance and now you are respecting her choices.
She has been held and loved and kept safe and comfortable - no one could have done more for her.
Be kind to your self too.
You are an amazing owner, and Toast knows how much she is loved.
I'm so sorry you are going through this. You are a very loving Piggy Mum :hug:
Part of being a loving, caring piggy owner is the 'what if's' we all go through when we lose one of our pigs. We all do exactly what we think is right and that is all we can do.

She knows you love her.
Please don't feel this way. You have done everything in your power to help her, and beyond.
You have not let her down.
She knows how much you love her. You have showed her that in every way possible.
Huge hugs for you and Toast :hug:

It's normal to second guess in a time like this, but please remember you have done everything you can, and that's the best gift you can give to Toast with your love.
I feel like I've let Toast down. Surely there could have been something to help her?

She's lying down in bed with me curled up on my lap. I just hope she can feel how much I love her
You haven't done anything wrong believe me, you have done your very best for her but sometimes our best and the vets best isn't enough xx
Is there anything I should do before taking Toast to the vets?

She's comfortable on fleece with covers over her and I'm going to put Beans next to her before we go.

This is the last time she'll be able to see Beans and say goodbye. She lay sleeping next to me all night in bed, a couple of times she woke up, rested her chin on my chest and just looked at me, it might sound silly but I feel that was her telling me she's ready to go.

Has anyone taken one last picture of their pig before they go? Half of my wants to and half of me thinks that's morbid.. I don't know how to deal with losing my best friend
You are doing your absolute best. I know exactly how it feels to have a piggy get better and then so suddenly deteriorate.

I would do exactly what you are doing, you know your piggies better than anyone else. You're their mom at the end of the day, and they really do always know exactly how much you love them.

I put Pablo back in the cage with Clover after he passed away but only for 5 minutes or so as he was so ill she understood already what was going on.

You'll make the right decision as her mummy. Sending lots of hugs x
Is there anything I should do before taking Toast to the vets?

She's comfortable on fleece with covers over her and I'm going to put Beans next to her before we go.

This is the last time she'll be able to see Beans and say goodbye. She lay sleeping next to me all night in bed, a couple of times she woke up, rested her chin on my chest and just looked at me, it might sound silly but I feel that was her telling me she's ready to go.

Has anyone taken one last picture of their pig before they go? Half of my wants to and half of me thinks that's morbid.. I don't know how to deal with losing my best friend

I had photos of Pablo the day he passed away, and I can't bring myself to look at them because I still miss him so much. I much prefer to look at every single healthy photo of him before he got poorly.

I absolutely understand why you feel you may want to though, I felt the same way xx
You have not let Toast down at all. You have fought so hard for her. Will be thinking of you both today.
Is there anything I should do before taking Toast to the vets?

She's comfortable on fleece with covers over her and I'm going to put Beans next to her before we go.

This is the last time she'll be able to see Beans and say goodbye. She lay sleeping next to me all night in bed, a couple of times she woke up, rested her chin on my chest and just looked at me, it might sound silly but I feel that was her telling me she's ready to go.

Has anyone taken one last picture of their pig before they go? Half of my wants to and half of me thinks that's morbid.. I don't know how to deal with losing my best friend

Maybe you can take a blanket or cosy and let Toast lay on it a while to get her scent, then you have something comforting to give Beans? I did this and I think it helped my remaining piggy when he had a scent of his friend.

It's not silly at all, I know what you mean by saying Toast telling you it's time. My piggy did exactly the same.

I took loads of pictures on the last day, with both piggies and only of the sick piggy. I even took a picture at the vets when it was all over. But that's just me, and you do how you feel best. Don't think it's morbid if you want a picture, maybe you can take one so you have it, and you don't have to look at it ever again if you don't want to, but you'll still have it if you want to.
I'm scared I've made the wrong decision. I keep thinking but what if I leave her another few hours or day and she gets better?
I have no words for you. Just hugs and tears and love to you and your girl xxxxx
I'm scared I've made the wrong decision. I keep thinking but what if I leave her another few hours or day and she gets better?
I had the same thoughts, feeling guilty and was I doing the right thing? Would she maybe improve? But with mummy pig I knew in my heart that she'd given up and made the awful decision.I honestly think just by looking into her eyes she will tell you if she's ready.Thinking of you both today xx
I'm scared I've made the wrong decision. I keep thinking but what if I leave her another few hours or day and she gets better?

It is so easy to think of what ifs, I am the worlds worst for it. You know Toast best though and it sounds like she is telling you it's time though only you can make that decision. I always think along the lines of better a day too early than a minute too late.
I've just caught up on this thread, and just wanted to send you my love. It's a difficult thing to do, and these little fluffballs worm their way into our hearts and become like family. All I can say is, take your time with her today. Give her cuddles, she knows you're there. And don't for one second doubt yourself and the care you've provided to her - you've done an amazing job, and I have a lot of respect for you for that. Stay strong x
I have just seen this thread &read it from start to finish, I'm now sat here moved to tears.
You have done an amazing job caring for Toast, you couldn't have done anymore for her,your devotion has shone through.

You'll know in your heart &you have such a close bond you'll know when she's had enough, although its an agonizing, horrendous decision for us to make,its one last caring parting gift you can give to Toast if she's given up, she'll be pain free &not suffering.

Big hug for you &you'll do the right thing for toast whatever you decide. Xx
Huge hugs to you Hun. Try and be brave for little toastie. You know you're doing the right thing it's just so, so hard. We will all be thinking of you today whatever you decide. Love ❤️ me x
my heart really aches for you. Please be assured though, that you have done everything humanly, and even superhumanly, possible for little Toast. If there's anything else that should have been done, it was down to the OOH vet, not you and I am sure Toast has felt your love and compassion for her in all this.

Soft and gentle hugs .... and remember to look out for yourself too.
Sasra x
I'm so sorry... when I lost Blackberry I did take some final photos, they have helped. I remember feeling like I had not done enough right up until she passed, then I felt like I had done too much and should have let her go..then I was incredibly angry at the people who had bred her and Bramble for the pet store. Looking back now, I can see that I did what I thought was best at the time, whether it was too little or too much it was what I thought would save her and bring her relief..and thats all we can ask of ourselves. These are all normal feelings, normal doubt.

Whatever your decision, it will be for Toasts benefit, and thats the best decision you can make at the time.
I'm so sorry :'( I think maybe Toast is trying to tell you she has had enough, and being a wonderful piggy mum you have understood her! Once they cant hold them selves up very well or eat I think it's probably their time to pass. Our piggy Joe (my icon) passed away of a gut blockage. On his last day, he could no longer stay upright and was very weak. We took him to the vets again to see if they could do anything but I knew deep down he was too far gone and he passed away about an hour after getting there.
You have done everything you could for Toast. Please don't EVER beat yourself up, you have done more than any guinea pig could wish for and have just made one of the hardest decisions you'll every have to make. Ending the life of a friend who is too tired to go on is the bravest, kindest thing you can do for them, and although it's so, so hard it shows just how much Toast means to you. She'll know you're with her when she finally goes and I think that she will be thanking you.
Take care of yourself! Spend some time with Beans - I always found sitting with and explaining to a bereaved piggy what had happened to their pal helped me, too. It's one of the darkest times in pet ownership but one of the brightest for little Toast. The Rainbow Bridge is a wonderful place <3