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I'm not able to talk about what's happened right now, but I'm worried about Beans and just wondering what I can do for her. She sniffed around Toast, had a lick and a nibble of her ears then ran away to hide. She then came back out and gently nibbled on Toast's paws then ran away again rumbling. I left Toast in the cage for around 10 minutes for Beans to understand what's happened.

I've placed into the cage one of the two blankets I always used to wrap the pigs up in when I held them for Beans so it has Toast's smell on it.

She could tell Toast had passed when she seen her but I'm worried she's going to be lonely. She's an old pig who spends most of the day sleeping but she needed her sister around. She's eating hay now but she just doesn't seem the same
Try not to worry about it at the moment, take your time and love Beans for a while. If Beans doesn't seem happy you can always opt to adopt a new friend for her, and take in a foster for the remainder of Bean's life.

I'm so sorry about what has happened x
I am so sorry. Sleep tight little Toast xx

Just be there for Beans now. Cuddle her and keep her company, so she'll know she's not alone. It's normal for her to be a bit quiet or to demand your attention more.

The first few days are the hardest. I'm wishing you and Beans all the strength in the world xx
Take comfort in knowing that you did your absolute best for Toast, and that she is free from pain now.
I have just seen this thread. You have fought long and hard for your little Toast. You will be feeling drained. Concentrate on Beans as this will keep your mind busy. I have found a childs soft toy has been useful for a recently bereaved guinea pig to cuddle up to. RIP little Toast - she had a loving home with you and she will have known this.
I'm so sorry. I think it is positive that Beans is eating hay, take each day at a time until you are ready to make any decisions for Beans.
Rest in peace sweet Toastie, she couldn't have had a better life! You made such a brave and heartbreaking decision, but now that's done the very hardest part is over.
You and Beans just need a bit of time to grieve together now - I'd just watch Beans closely for now to see how she responds to life with out Toast. Piggies sometimes react quite differently to grief than we expect! Remember all the good times and how much love you and Beans have for Toast. She's not suffering anymore, I'll bet she's already over the rainbow bridge popcorning about with all our passed away pigs, relieved of her struggle x
So sorry to hear about Toast! Just read through this thread and you are a fantastic piggy owner and did everything you could for her. Rest in peace little Toast.
I have only just caught up with this thread and I am so sorry to read that Toast has passed. Sending you hugs x
I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. No one could have done more for Toast, you are such a devoted piggy slave. Sending
hugs to you and Beans.
Just caught up with this.

You're an absolutely amazing piggy mummy, and your devotion to Toast has been incredible. You did everything in your power to care for Toast - please don't feel like you've let her down, though I know from experience it's easier said than done!

See how Beans copes over the next couple of days, make a decision based on how she's doing and obviously when you're ready.

You did all you could. Sleep tight little Toast! She loved you so much.
I am so very sorry, I have only caught up with the thread. You are one of the most dedicated and caring piggy owners I have ever encountered on or off forum. Toast has had such a perfect life with you and Beans and you have done all you could. i know when you lose a piggy of a closely bonded pair how difficult it is. You are distraught at losing Toast and also at the same time out of your mind for worry for Beans.

Take your time over the next few days, you will get each other through this. As long as Beans is eating then that is good, piggies grieve like we do but their survival instinct kicks in. Make sure she is eating hay and veg and as I am sure you are doing spend extra time with her. Beans knows Toast has passed we have experienced the same nibbling, licking and nudging. Our first pair Pitch and Putt were so close after we lost Pitch, Putt was very quiet for a few days but was fine after she remained a single piggy due to circumstances. Cookie and Treacle were also really close, after Treacy passed we had to get Cookie some friends within a few weeks as she came withdrawn... so keep an eye out as each piggy is different.

You have a furry guardian angel watching over you both now. You did everything right by her, please be kind to yourself. We are all here for you. Massive hugs and love x

Sleep well little Toast
x x
Ohh just caught up with this thread :(. My heart breaks for you and your little Toast, I'm so sorry :(.

Lots of gentle snuggles to Beans, you'll get each other to through this :hug:.

If you want to chat you're welcome to to PM me xx
Thank you everyone for all your kind words. I can't yet bring myself to talk about my beautiful Toasty, but all your comments are bringing some comfort at such a heartbreaking time

Self care and some time to grieve are both very important after a shocking loss. Please be kind to yourself and to little Beans xx