Diet Club


I'm doing the SW Plan. Not going to the classes as I've done it enough over the years and I know what I'm doing. Also none of the Consultants down here are anywhere near as good as my old Consultant where I used to live who was very inspirational and one of the top 10 in the Country.
I tried Slimming World many years ago. I think I may have abused the ‘free foods’ as it was then. It’s all about getting something that works for you isn’t it?
Well done you two!
What’s everyone doing to loose?

I’m going down the nothing processed, nothing refined, low GL (glycemic load) route.
I'm with SW, I'm hoping to get the 5 stone off I've gained since doing the Great North Run when I injured myself and get another 2 off as well.
I'm using the noom app, it has some similarities to sw and ww. I found it effective when I used it in the summer so I'm going back to it to get myself back on track, have lost almost 1 kg this week. I'd like to lose 8 in total but at the very least 4 kg which will put me back to where I had got to last time.
I tried Slimming World many years ago. I think I may have abused the ‘free foods’ as it was then. It’s all about getting something that works for you isn’t it?
It is about finding something that works for you. SW doesn't work for everyone. WW is best for some. Others have to find their own way.
It is about finding something that works for you. SW doesn't work for everyone. WW is best for some. Others have to find their own way.
Aye. Cutting carbs seems to work for me. I’m following the Patric Holford Low GL diet. Lost 2 stone on that over the second lockdown and then when I was back to school and in the staff room a stone of it gradually went back on. They like to eat in our place! 😭. Can you purchase willpower anywhere!? 🤣

I'm doing the SW Plan. Not going to the classes as I've done it enough over the years and I know what I'm doing. Also none of the Consultants down here are anywhere near as good as my old Consultant where I used to live who was very inspirational and one of the top 10 in the Country.
Slimming World is amazing. I started it in June 2019 and by July 2021 I'd lost 6st 4lb. Going from a size 24/26 to 14/16. Could probably do with dropping another stone or so but I've just been maintaining since.
Slimming World is amazing. I started it in June 2019 and by July 2021 I'd lost 6st 4lb. Going from a size 24/26 to 14/16. Could probably do with dropping another stone or so but I've just been maintaining since.
Wow that is A M A Z I N G! Well done!
Wow that is A M A Z I N G! Well done!
It's such a good diet plan, with a bit of tweaking you can still eat all the things you enjoy. Like you though I didn't rate my 2nd consultant after my 1st one left so I chose to just follow the plan by myself. I did miss the weekly weigh ins though coz I feel going to class motivates me more to want a big loss 😂
To compliment my current healthy eating regime, I made a low fat crustless quiche. Made with 300g of sliced mushrooms, peppers, 6 rashers of diced back bacon with all fat cut off, a tub of fat free quark soft cheese and 4 eggs. Fry the mushrooms, pepper and bacon in a frying pan using frylight. Empty the tub of quark into a bowl add the 4 eggs and beat till smooth, mix in the now cooked other ingredients. Into a flan dish, I greased mine with frylight to stop it sticking. Add sliced tomatoes to the top and into a heated oven on gas mark 6 for 40 minutes, checking it's thoroughly cooked. Whilst it was cooking I peeled and chipped some taties and popped them in the air fryer with frylight. I was quite impressed with my effort. ;)
To compliment my current healthy eating regime, I made a low fat crustless quiche. Made with 300g of sliced mushrooms, peppers, 6 rashers of diced back bacon with all fat cut off, a tub of fat free quark soft cheese and 4 eggs. Fry the mushrooms, pepper and bacon in a frying pan using frylight. Empty the tub of quark into a bowl add the 4 eggs and beat till smooth, mix in the now cooked other ingredients. Into a flan dish, I greased mine with frylight to stop it sticking. Add sliced tomatoes to the top and into a heated oven on gas mark 6 for 40 minutes, checking it's thoroughly cooked. Whilst it was cooking I peeled and chipped some taties and popped them in the air fryer with frylight. I was quite impressed with my effort. ;)
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Sounds yum except for the tomatoes which are :vom: . I use fat free Cottage Cheese instead of Quark. I'll try Quark next time to see what the difference is. I also add mixed herbs to my Crustless Quiche and I have added my 30g cheese allowance to it in the past.

Another 1.5lbs off for me this week.
Well done all of you. I don’t follow a regime as such. Just that I don’t usually eat lunch during the week last time I weighed I had lost. But not weighed in a while as the scales need new batteries.

I used to make quiche when my nieces would come and stay with us. Not had it in a long time. Maybe I should make a crustless one. Though worried it will taste too eggy… can you freeze it?
To compliment my current healthy eating regime, I made a low fat crustless quiche. Made with 300g of sliced mushrooms, peppers, 6 rashers of diced back bacon with all fat cut off, a tub of fat free quark soft cheese and 4 eggs. Fry the mushrooms, pepper and bacon in a frying pan using frylight. Empty the tub of quark into a bowl add the 4 eggs and beat till smooth, mix in the now cooked other ingredients. Into a flan dish, I greased mine with frylight to stop it sticking. Add sliced tomatoes to the top and into a heated oven on gas mark 6 for 40 minutes, checking it's thoroughly cooked. Whilst it was cooking I peeled and chipped some taties and popped them in the air fryer with frylight. I was quite impressed with my effort. ;)
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Bravo Aunty Betty! Real men make quiche! 😁🥰
In case anyone ever wants to try something different - I’m loving this. Now I had to pay the extra 14.99 to get the Glycemic Load tracker, but it is worth it for the convenience.

So as per Patrick Holfords low GL diet, I set the tracker to 45 Glycemic Loads per day. Because this diet then automatically becomes low in refined carbs and limited in others, you end up eating more healthy fats and protein and aren’t hungry. The detox from sugar wasn’t fun for the past couple of weeks but I think I’m coming out of it now - just left with the natural haze, scattyness and confusion I was born with 🤣🤣. Stone to loose and have lost 2 lb in 2 weeks. Slow and steady…


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Oh do you know what I love? …. Jam swissroll with custard! I’m off to cry now 😭
😭😭 now I want something sweet! I should have asked my husband to get a sweet bun 😩
Noooooo! Don’t do it! 🤣🤣 **runs off for a half teaspoon of peanut butter! (Low Glycemic Load don’t you know! ).
Too late anyway, Lidl has closed. I’m having a coke instead.

On a more serious note, I need to make time to exercise again…
Too late anyway, Lidl has closed. I’m having a coke instead.

On a more serious note, I need to make time to exercise again…
Aye me too. Boosts the old metabolism I guess. Well tonight I cleaned out the piggies, does that count?
Made my favourite breakfast loaf today, and added a plate of air fried potatoes. 👍All syn free. 😁
6 eggs, 5 rashers of bacon (all fat cut off and diced), tin of baked beans all juice removed, tin of chopped tomatoes all juice removed, 6 Linda McCartney rosemary and red onion sausages, 200gm diced mushrooms. Pan fry the sausage and dice, crack eggs into large mixing bowl and beat them. Add the rinsed beans and chopped tomatoes to the eggs, dry fry bacon and mushrooms and stir into mix. I use a loaf tin liner to stop it sticking. You can either put it all in one large tin or split into 2 smaller tins. Preheat oven, cook on gas mark 6 for 40 minutes until juices are set. You can either eat it hot or cold. 👍

IMG_20230307_172752.jpgIMG_20230307_172722.jpgIMG_20230307_172653.jpgIMG20230307171044.jpgark 6
Sounds nice but too many eggs for me! I’m sure it was tasty though 🤤
You say too many eggs, but when it's split over 2 tins and you only eat half of one loaf, it's only 1 and a half eggs per serving. 👍