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Do you enjoy cleaning? I don't mind it, it's quite fun unless it's bathroom related. x
I dont mind, i have to be in the mood, but i love cleaning the piggies. I am a nervous cleaner generally - when I'm worried i clean lol :P I like the satisfaction on looking at something after itw been cleaned :)

I don't know, he's been asleep all day and he's just come down for food and ive noticed he's limping :(
Think it's his back right paw, he won't extend his claws and pulls away when I touch it. There looks to be a bit of dry blood between his toes too. He's limping bad though.
I don't know, he's been asleep all day and he's just come down for food and ive noticed he's limping :(
Think it's his back right paw, he won't extend his claws and pulls away when I touch it. There looks to be a bit of dry blood between his toes too. He's limping bad though.
Oh no, poor little thing. Are you going to rush him to the vets?
Oh no, poor little thing. Are you going to rush him to the vets?

I know bless him, he's just a accident prone little thing.
Na I think I'll keep an eye on it, give it a clean after he's eaten and have a proper look see what he's done, if its just a claw then I'll just keep it clean, dealt with loads of claw problems in the passed, its relatively common cat problem. If it gets bad by tomorrow then I can take him in emergency, I know the vet so I'll drop him a text to expect me haha. Tippys had calicivrius and is on a drug which is sorta like chemo, which means he has a really low immune system, so infection is quite a bit more likely with him. At least he's insured!
Oh right. That could explain it then. Poor sweetheart. I hope it is just a claw then and nothing needing vet treatment.
I know bless him, he's just a accident prone little thing.
Na I think I'll keep an eye on it, give it a clean after he's eaten and have a proper look see what he's done, if its just a claw then I'll just keep it clean, dealt with loads of claw problems in the passed, its relatively common cat problem. If it gets bad by tomorrow then I can take him in emergency, I know the vet so I'll drop him a text to expect me haha. Tippys had calicivrius and is on a drug which is sorta like chemo, which means he has a really low immune system, so infection is quite a bit more likely with him. At least he's insured!
Oh no bless him x Hope he is okay x
I've worked with cats a lot I could probably provide him treatment myself, which is why I'm not rushing him to the vets straight away :) gunna keep an eye on him for tonight.
Thanks guys! I hope he's gunna be okay too.
You sound like you know what you are doing and you are very experienced in cats. Hopefully the little man will be better by tomorrow.
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You sound like you know what you are doing and you are very experienced in cats. Hopefully the little man will be better by tomorrow.

Yeahh, spent 4+ years working voluntary in a vets that took strays (mostly cats) from the RSPCA for rehoming. Seen a lot of cats with an array of different problems/illnesses. Regularly with claw problems, its what they use to everything though. :D I'm clued up on my cats, literally am THE crazy cat lady haha.
That must have been a great experience. It is really good you know so much so you can use the information on your own cats.
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Yeah its really handy! The amount of times one of my cats has done something that someone normally would have probably taken them to a vets for which I've been able to treat at home is perfect, saves me money too! And keeps them from getting stressed by a vet visit! :D
Oh dont, We cant even get Timmy into a cat carrier, its rediclous, never seen anything like it, he turns into some sort of feral cat! Had to take him the beginning of last year, I actually had to ring a vet ambulance because I couldn't get him, but I knew he needed a vet.
Tippys hurt himself

Yeahh, spent 4+ years working voluntary in a vets that took strays (mostly cats) from the RSPCA for rehoming. Seen a lot of cats with an array of different problems/illnesses. Regularly with claw problems, its what they use to everything though. :D I'm clued up on my cats, literally am THE crazy cat lady haha.
I bet that was a great experience - I know who to come to for advice if ever I need any for Wispa! ;) Hope Tippy is okay. x
Funnily enough, Wispa happily goes into a cat carrier - as soon as you get it out she's straight into it - it doesn't surprise me though as she loves going in and out of things... boxes, bags, drawers, cupboards...
I bet that was a great experience - I know who to come to for advice if ever I need any for Wispa! ;) Hope Tippy is okay. x
Funnily enough, Wispa happily goes into a cat carrier - as soon as you get it out she's straight into it - it doesn't surprise me though as she loves going in and out of things... boxes, bags, drawers, cupboards...

Tinkerbell is like that, no sooner we get it out shes straight in there! Even if she doesn't need to go haha. Tippy doesn't mind the cat carrier either. Bella is easy to get in there even though she doesn't wanna go, and then she meows allllllll the way there and then allllllll the way back! ergh so annoying! But yeah Timmy is just a massive no no.
Yes! I am your go to cat woman! hahaha.
Tinkerbell is like that, no sooner we get it out shes straight in there! Even if she doesn't need to go haha. Tippy doesn't mind the cat carrier either. Bella is easy to get in there even though she doesn't wanna go, and then she meows allllllll the way there and then allllllll the way back! ergh so annoying! But yeah Timmy is just a massive no no.
Yes! I am your go to cat woman! hahaha.
wispa has only gone on two journeys with us so far but both times she didn't stop meowing lol
wispa has only gone on two journeys with us so far but both times she didn't stop meowing lol

Oh god, its soooo annoying isnt it! Tippy's been so often he just sits there and looks at the scenery go round. In fact.. I could probably just hold him and take him in, pretty sure he wouldn't go anywhere :)
Oh god, its soooo annoying isnt it! Tippy's been so often he just sits there and looks at the scenery go round. In fact.. I could probably just hold him and take him in, pretty sure he wouldn't go anywhere :)
aww bless him that's sweet :) touch wood Wispa's only been to the vets once for her vaccinations.. Think she needs them again in April though? can't remember...
aww bless him that's sweet :) touch wood Wispa's only been to the vets once for her vaccinations.. Think she needs them again in April though? can't remember...

Is she insured? How old is she again? I have a terrible memory!
We took Bella and Timmy in for there first kitten injection but then didnt have yearly ones, stupid now I know everything they can get but thankfully they've been okay, untill recently anyway, Timmy had a huge mouth abscess and Bella has a renal problems. Neither could have been sorted by injections though.
Tippys toe :(