Chat Thread.

Hi anyone awake? Its 2am and day 2 of another cold :( cant sleep so have given up trying as I cant breath when lying am propped you with about 4 pillows and on my phone....may try and maybe read or watch some tv if I really cant hoping I manage some sleep.
Oh no! I have a really horrendous cold too which is mow day 3 and I had NO sleep last night whatsoever... decided if same happens tonight I'm not going to work tomorrow. blergh. x
@theoretikos you are certainly talented. Your work is very powerful. I hope you can use your talent and degree. Are any of your fellow coursemates working the arts? Most of mine are doing admin jobs!
If its not a thing it should be!

I know right! Like.. I'm sure... there must be some way of making a carrot cake without the human stuff.. and with piggie safe stuff instead?! There must be!
Hi all. How is everyone today? Just had my shopping delivered - so we now have food in the house! Woohoo.
Bad news is my mums car broke down last its in the garage (my neighbours a mechanic so we take it to his garage he works at). Hopefully car will be fixed in next few days. Poor mum and poor Blue ( our cars name) x
@Flutterby @katie-elizabeth
Thank you guys :D!
I'm having a look for guinea pig safe cafe recipes today.

Hello! I'm good! I have a friend visiting me today, going to get amber out too for celebration times!
Oh no! I hope your mums okay! Can't imagine breaking down, bet its a bit scary! Was she far from home? Or on a motorway or something?!
Poor car too :( I get so attached to our cars, we recently wrote our car off I actually cried haha how pathetic, still trying to find love for our new car too :( I miss Doris (our old car)
Getting really annoyed with my slippery lap! Seriously I keep putting my phone on it and it keeps sliding off and down the side of the sofa where it possibly could never return from! God sakes lap sort your self out!
@Flutterby @katie-elizabeth
Thank you guys :D!
I'm having a look for guinea pig safe cafe recipes today.

Hello! I'm good! I have a friend visiting me today, going to get amber out too for celebration times!
Oh no! I hope your mums okay! Can't imagine breaking down, bet its a bit scary! Was she far from home? Or on a motorway or something?!
Poor car too :( I get so attached to our cars, we recently wrote our car off I actually cried haha how pathetic, still trying to find love for our new car too :( I miss Doris (our old car)
Aw I understand. We were in my grandmas car park. My step dad came and picked me and my sister up while mum waited for the A.A. They took the car to the garage and then dropped her home. All done smoothly and correct and she was home in about an hour...maybe sooner. All really quick.
Last year mum broke down on motorway...tyre puncture and the police had to come out and protect her and the car while the A.A came.

Aw bless have a fab time :-)
@theoretikos you are certainly talented. Your work is very powerful. I hope you can use your talent and degree. Are any of your fellow coursemates working the arts? Most of mine are doing admin jobs!

Thank you :)

I know that one of them is working as a waitress and the others are still in call centres! There is only one that I can think of who is working in props for theatre :D

I am a bag of nerves waiting for a call about a home check, could be today they call, could be tomorrow... I hope its soon anyway. I am nervously cleaning everything lol. I am a nervous cleaner :P
Don't worry, you have no chance of failing the home check regardless when they come. I am the same with cleaning lol!
Don't worry, you have no chance of failing the home check regardless when they come. I am the same with cleaning lol!
Thanks, i am just a worrier. :P I am terrible knowing anything is going to happen, much better on spare of the moment things :P At least my room is nice and clean on the plus side lol :P
So annoyed, just been followed home by someone with their full beam on and fog lights and right up my bum grrrr! I need tea to cheer me up now!