Chat Thread.

oh dear God.. ..Boss your job sounds horrific :(
I hope everyone walks away from the accidents :(

I'm fine thanks everyone, it was a silly thing to do ;) and on the plus side now have less china to wash lol!
@theoretikos I'm sorry, could you ask for help to get you back into work like more counselling to help with anxiety or adaptive technology or assistance aids to help with your hypermobility? We have to make adaptions to our workplace for people with disabilities, I thought all workplaces did under the Equalities act?
Hi all. How are things today?
I am sat in the car while mum visits my great aunt. Great aunt wants a chat with her so decided to stay out here. I'm in the car park of the hospital.
Place is packed...was so full we had to park outside the family planning and sexual health clinic....thought that would make a few of you smile :-p

Anyway am sat in the car for the next half and hour or so till mum gets back...then off to visit my grandma
@theoretikos I'm sorry, could you ask for help to get you back into work like more counselling to help with anxiety or adaptive technology or assistance aids to help with your hypermobility? We have to make adaptions to our workplace for people with disabilities, I thought all workplaces did under the Equalities act?

I was working as a cleaner so it was just far too physical and my other job involved standing all day so it wasn't any better. I was paid off from both although the cleaning one was a voluntary choice because I was under ESA 'Permitted Work'. I wasn't sure if they could make any adaptations for a cleaner..
No wonder you are feeling sorry for yourself when you are so poorly and having trouble with money. That is totally understandable.
Oh you poor thing. I did a degree in archaeology so I know what its like to study something you love but cant make pay. Do you have any of your art online @theoretikos ? I would love to see it. Its such a tough field to find work in, even when you are 100% well X
Bloomin' 'eck Boss!
Doesn't bother me, normal days work for me. car lost control, hit rocky outcrop beside motorway, demolishing car and bounced into road onto roof and burst into flames! driver crawled free before car engulfed in flames. Back injury, immobilized and flown to hospital in air ambulance. Once everything had calmed down took my undercrackers from over my trousers! :))