Chat Thread.

I'm fine. How are you?
Yes I'm doing good thanks Gigi :D Been in a spring cleaning mood today - so been sorting out through all the piggie/ bunny bits and finding a space for them all. Still got more bits to find space for tommorow lol. You been up to much today?
Yes I'm doing good thanks Gigi :D Been in a spring cleaning mood today - so been sorting out through all the piggie/ bunny bits and finding a space for them all. Still got more bits to find space for tommorow lol. You been up to much today?
Oh well done. You have sooo much piggy things! I bet everything is nice and organised.

Have you heard of the Australian cake, lammingtons? I tried it today.
Oh well done. You have sooo much piggy things! I bet everything is nice and organised.

Have you heard of the Australian cake, lammingtons? I tried it today.

Thanks, yes i do- probs too many things- but i love getting them things :P

No not heard of it, was it nice? I do love a nice piece of cake :D
Is it just me, or does anyone else sit and read post after post on the Rainbow Bridge thread and cry and cry and cry? I don't know what draws me there, but I go every month or so and I just feel all the loss and pain, and it makes me remember my piggy on Rainbow Bridge and I wonder to myself, "why are you reading them if they make you sad?" Is it just me?
Is it just me, or does anyone else sit and read post after post on the Rainbow Bridge thread and cry and cry and cry? I don't know what draws me there, but I go every month or so and I just feel all the loss and pain, and it makes me remember my piggy on Rainbow Bridge and I wonder to myself, "why are you reading them if they make you sad?" Is it just me?
No I'm the same, i get rather emotional in the rainbow thread, always brings a tear to my eye. Breaks my heart. x
I'm glad it's not just me, @jenniferanneharris. I'm amazed at how piggies seem to get into our hearts the way they do and then they leave this big, huge, gigantic hole that you don't think will ever close, or be filled, or go away on its own, when they pass away. I guess I'm still getting used to being a "pet owner" because we've only had piggies for just under two years and no animals before that (save for a little gold fish in the early 2000s). Anyway, they certainly are a blessing in my life.
They are such a blessing. Each one that leaves takes part of your heart away and it never heals. Today three years ago was my first loss. She was only two.
Oh, @piggyfan, I totally agree. You just read the stories and feel for them so badly; and having lost one recently, I can totally relate to how they are feeling. It is a very sad, but special thread. I'm glad so many people reply because that's so important. I just read and cry and read some more, and cry some more. repeat.
Oh, I'm sorry that you are grieving the 3-year loss of your piggy today, @piggyfan. That's so sad. I can see how time heals some of the wounds caused by them leaving, but I guess you just never get totally over it, eh? She was only two? That's so young. I'm so sorry. Post a quick pic so I can see what she looked like. I feel for your loss. You probably feel like it can't be three years ago already... What was her name?
Yes, I suppose that's true. I should reply to everyone I read. If they could just seem me sniffling and crying over their loss, it might make them smile:)
I'm glad it's not just me, @jenniferanneharris. I'm amazed at how piggies seem to get into our hearts the way they do and then they leave this big, huge, gigantic hole that you don't think will ever close, or be filled, or go away on its own, when they pass away. I guess I'm still getting used to being a "pet owner" because we've only had piggies for just under two years and no animals before that (save for a little gold fish in the early 2000s). Anyway, they certainly are a blessing in my life.
I understand what you mean. It is amazing how they fill such a special place in our hearts. I have lost a number of animals over the years, never gets any easier and each time the grieving is different, but hurts all the same...x
I wish that wasn't the way it has to be, @jenniferanneharris , but I have to believe that you are likely right. Everyone is so different and it's a new hole they leave gaping open when they leave us, so why shouldn't it be just as difficult. I didn't like having to "rationalize" why I was so upset when Waddles died in January to people who didn't understand. I am so glad I found this forum where everyone is so compassionate and understanding. Reading the Rainbow Bridge just makes me thankful that I'm not in that immediate place right now, but it sure reminds me that I could be there with little notice, sadly. I just wish all the pain could go away but there always seems to be someone grieving a recent loss. Makes me wonder just how many piggies are being loved on this site!
Ah, @piggyfan, Marble was lovely! She looks small:) But certainly looks content in that picture. So hard to say goodbye, even after three years, eh? I'm sorry. What a cutie-pi-tootie! What's something she used to do that you loved?