Chat Thread.

I had a syn free chili con carne with white rice, a mince pie and a cup of tea - hard core! ;)
It would be quicker to ask me what I haven’t eaten @Mother Hubbard :)) I’ve not eaten loads, just a bit of everything this evening :) Turkey, ginger gammon, sprouts, sweet potato fries, pigs in blankets, roast parsnips, potatoe wedgies, cheeeeeese :D mince pies, crimbo pud and loads more (oink!:))) All washed down with Malbec and speyside single malt :beer: God help my head tomorrow! :lol!:
Liking the reference to cheeeeeeeeeeeese there @Tim!
I guess some people don't know their limits?
I don't drink anyway.
Merry Christmas all.
Back to work tomorrow at 0700am
Ugh restless legs are keeping me awake. Every time I am about to drift off to sleep my lower legs spasm and jolt me awake grrrr.
Ugh restless legs are keeping me awake. Every time I am about to drift off to sleep my lower legs spasm and jolt me awake grrrr.
This was me last Christmas :( Sciatica crippled me and has done so since, I can control it now though :tu:
Thinking of you @Squeakz x
This was me last Christmas :( Sciatica crippled me and has done so since, I can control it now though :) Thinking of you @Squeakz x
Thinking of you both :love:. Hopefully you’re having a sciatica free Crimbo this year @Tim. It’s not nice if you’re unwell over Christmas or at any time. Take care everybody xx
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This was me last Christmas :( Sciatica crippled me and has done so since, I can control it now though :tu:
Thinking of you @Squeakz x

I only get it if I reach a point where I am overly tired. Thankfully if I get enough sleep it stay away...drives me bonkers though that when you need sleep the most, there it is stopping you.
Well xmas has been fun, oil fired heating packed in a week ago, husband has viral infection 2 weeks ago, it started getting bad a week ago. This morning got husband to docs, put straight onto an emergency nebuliser for 15 mins because their was no air in the bottom of his lungs, back home - tablets, new inhalers. So today I finally got a heating engineer out, seems to be a temporary fix so now starting to warm this old house of ours because it's flipping damp!

Sat with hot water bottle on my back, cover over my legs, I'm doing nothing now.
No I would imagine they don't.
I had a lung infection couple of years back - worse infection ever had. Scary.
Well xmas has been fun, oil fired heating packed in a week ago, husband has viral infection 2 weeks ago, it started getting bad a week ago. This morning got husband to docs, put straight onto an emergency nebuliser for 15 mins because their was no air in the bottom of his lungs, back home - tablets, new inhalers. So today I finally got a heating engineer out, seems to be a temporary fix so now starting to warm this old house of ours because it's flipping damp!

Sat with hot water bottle on my back, cover over my legs, I'm doing nothing now.
Sounds like your Christmas was fun fun fun @Mother Hubbard! Hope everything OK now!
Anyone else finding today a slower than usual Sunday?
I'm having a baaaaaaaaaaad Sunday. Came down with a tummy bug whilst on a 3 day break in Llandudno. It took ages to get home with multiple stops for me :vom: . I now know how bad a piggy feels with bloat! Have run out of dioralyte so a having water with sugar and salt which is what my Mother in Law swears by if there is no dioralyte tastes just as bad as dioralyte too! Have lived on water and digestive biscuits today. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
I'm having a baaaaaaaaaaad Sunday. Came down with a tummy bug whilst on a 3 day break in Llandudno. It took ages to get home with multiple stops for me :vom: . I now know how bad a piggy feels with bloat! Have run out of dioralyte so a having water with sugar and salt which is what my Mother in Law swears by if there is no dioralyte tastes just as bad as dioralyte too! Have lived on water and digestive biscuits today. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Oh Betsy that’s awwwful :soz:. I really hope you feel better soon, i’m Off to bed now as I am crazy tired, although the fireworks have already begun so not sure I will succeed.
No NYE celebration for me, I actually feel quite anxious about 2018 but no idea why as fresh years have never bothered me before, but then I had quite a rough Christmas this year so maybe that’s what it is.
There is worse than being sick. When it comes out of both ends at the same time (sorry for anybody eating their tea!)
Oh yeah that’s always pretty horrific, you feel worse the longer it goes on but at the same time you’re trying unsuccessfully to convince yourself “the worst will be over by this time tomorrow.”