Chat Thread.

No problem, my short arsed friend! :))
Much love! In a bloke kinda way ;)

Don’t tell Thrush! :no:

Edit :
Most of the population are shortarsed comparared to you my scouse mukka :))
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Today my mod should be turning up, I've been waiting nearly 3 months for it. Then off to the vape shop to stock up.
I don't buy anything that involves a brain Boss, lol.
it's only 4 miles an hour, don't think hubby what's me on a 8 miles per hour one. He says he trusts me on the faster one, but he says he has to think of other traffic on the road. Cheeky sod.
Bah humbug, starting a week of duties, no Christmas for me.
I guess you will be busy with idiots drink driving?
Why do people do that? It's ludicrous! Everyone knows the risks. Just walk or take a taxi home or just don't drink alcohol - its not rocket science! My sons volunteered (er ..... were volunteered!) to be our taxi for the Christmas do. One took us and one collected us. That is what you have children for after all!
Why do people do that? It's ludicrous! Everyone knows the risks. Just walk or take a taxi home or just don't drink alcohol - its not rocket science! My sons volunteered (er ..... were volunteered!) to be our taxi for the Christmas do. One took us and one collected us. That is what you have children for after all!

yup....Exactly that. Hence why I said idiots. Even the next day..
So sadly I bet Bosshogg will be busy.
Why do people do that? It's ludicrous! Everyone knows the risks. Just walk or take a taxi home or just don't drink alcohol - its not rocket science! My sons volunteered (er ..... were volunteered!) to be our taxi for the Christmas do. One took us and one collected us. That is what you have children for after all!

I will never understand it either but it happens. Worse is when they end up killing someone else who WASN’T drunk.

Sometimes people think they will just do it the once, get away with it and then do it more...tempting fate each time they get behind a wheel.

I know of one guy who had never drunk drove but did one night when he left the bar he’d normally be working at. None of his co workers asked him how he was getting home on his night off. He drove, flipped over on the highway and vegetated himself for the rest of his life.
I don’t agree with what he did at all but felt rather sad that he was dealt such a cruel card the very first time he made the mistake. He was never given the chance to learn from his error and the life of him and his family are changed forever for one silly risk.

So yes is not worth it, at all, EVER.
I'll only get involved with drink drivers if they crash, apart from that, police will deal with them. ;)
So what does everyone eat the night before xmas day?
I'm intrigued...
tonight I've had Thai Green Curry with rice and veg.
Mind you, I've eaten a large bag of pop chips and quite a lot of Cadburys Celebrations....
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It would be quicker to ask me what I haven’t eaten @Mother Hubbard :)) I’ve not eaten loads, just a bit of everything this evening :) Turkey, ginger gammon, sprouts, sweet potato fries, pigs in blankets, roast parsnips, potatoe wedgies, cheeeeeese :D mince pies, crimbo pud and loads more (oink!:))) All washed down with Malbec and speyside single malt :beer: God help my head tomorrow! :lol!:
I have worked very many christmases,and new years.i have always enjoyed the atmosphere.a and e is full of people intoxicated at this time of year.many patients are true emergencies and it can be very hard on those services we rely on.ive eaten cheese and biscuits,half way down a bottle of chianti !:beer: