Chat Thread.

Thanks guys :hug: . I broke it off because he deserves someone better than me and to be appreciated more. I like to think that in a couple of years time, he'll thank me for it when he has found someone who's a better match.

I have his mother demonising me on text currently about the whole thing. Which is just making me feel 100x worse.
That's not nice of her! You had your reasons and she should respect that. Block her number that's what I would do!
That's not nice of her! You had your reasons and she should respect that. Block her number that's what I would do!

I think I will block her number. It's just so difficult. He's 23 and I know he'd be mortified (despite everything) if he knew his mother was doing it.
I know it's a difficult situation for you to be in and like you said you are feeling crappy so his Mum harping on doesn't help either! You did it with the best of intentions even though it may not feel like it right now.
Diabetes suck...


Mum has just has a massive hypo, taken 90 mins to come round. I'm meant to be at work but she is more important, work can wait.
Oh no! That's terrible! Hope she OK and she in hospital. :hug:Work certainly can wait! You have to look after your Mum! 90 minutes to come round good grief that's a long time!
If I ever do something silly for charity like a skydive, it would be for Diabetes UK. Without a doubt! :nod:
She’s better than she was thanks, it’ll take a couple of days to get back to normality. Mum is very shivery and headachy, this is normal after a hypo. Thanks for your kind words peeps! :luv: xx Made me feel quite ill with the stress :( xx
Hope your mum feels better soon.have you some dextrose tablets in the house ,it can help to not feel so whoozy.x
She has them, but this was so quick she didn’t have time to react :( I got her blood sugar up from ‘low’ to 2.6 then 4 then 5.6. It just took her a while to come round and actually function. She used to have a glucopen to inject, I couldn’t find it. I’ve since found out the docs did not give her another because they said she didn’t need one! :hb: a pathetic mentality, there should always be one handy in my opinion. It’s been a long time since she’s had a hypo like this but I will insist she gets one or at least some of the oral gel.
She’ll be back to her normal self soon Eileen :)xx
Here' sending love & hugs to you & your mum. :luv: I hope she's recovering well & taking it easy. You did great today Dr Tim and it must have been a very stressful experience for you too. Look after her... mums are important :wub: x
a glucogon pen is advised to keep in fridge,if she is unrousable.that bm stix is still not very high for overnight ! i would maybe suggest your mum has some more glucose/biscuits ! x
Congratulations! @Mother Hubbard not easy passing exams! You have done really well!

I have a nervous 3 week wait until I hear whether my son has passed his final Accountancy exams. Hopefully he will have then just another year to be time qualified then I have someone qualified in the family who can fill out my tax return every year!
Congrats hooray well done. Yippee. The next 3 I'm sure will be a doddle :nod:
I hope so, two exams in two weeks, it isn't going to be easy cramming this now.

Congratulations! @Mother Hubbard not easy passing exams! You have done really well!
Thanks my lovely.

I have a nervous 3 week wait until I hear whether my son has passed his final Accountancy exams. Hopefully he will have then just another year to be time qualified then I have someone qualified in the family who can fill out my tax return every year!
ouch...I remember doing my AAT, that wasn't easy either. Especially when they gave us half the time we were supposed to have for the last exam...clearly not a happy bunny on that occasion.
I hope so, two exams in two weeks, it isn't going to be easy cramming this now.

ouch...I remember doing my AAT, that wasn't easy either. Especially when they gave us half the time we were supposed to have for the last exam...clearly not a happy bunny on that occasion.
Mark had 3 exams in 3 days! He was doing his ACA.
My brother did his ACA too not that he uses it now - he is a child psychologist - and said they were some of the hardest exams he has ever taken. Mark didn't relish taking them either!
So ladies, since Harry getting married is all over international news.

If you had to choose, who would you rather be stuck with? William or Harry? I’d have to say Harry, he seems much more fun to be around than the always serious looking Wills.
My Dad's name was William although he was known as Bill. William is a much better name and far more trustworthy (imho) than Harry (although as we all know he is Henry really!)
My Dad's name was William although he was known as Bill. William is a much better name and far more trustworthy (imho) than Harry (although as we all know he is Henry really!)
Harry's better looking though... and has much nicer hair :drool: x