Chat Thread.

Not sure where to post this, but I'm trying to figure out what colour name and coat patterns my new guinea pigs have? I'll attach a few pics ... I think my orange guy is technically called a Dark Eyed Gold, but he has hairs that are brown and blonde mixed in (they're not obvious but they're definitely there). My other guy is a deep dark chocolate with white. No idea what the technical term for his coat would be!

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I'm here again to see Uncle Simon with Dougal. He's done very well since his last visit two weeks ago, put on 70 grams. A long way to go yet, still not keen on his hay or grass but scoffing everything else in sight.
Cheers you two :hug::luv:
He is a special little chap, it may be an ongoing journey that we will always have to do every 2-3 weeks, but he is well worth it :luv::luv:
Am pleased to be home. Had a nice day but was stuck on the motorway in 2 big traffic jams today. Not good. But am home and enjoyed a nice cup of tea.
How is everyone today? X x
Hi Jenny, Hi Jill :)
I'm unwinding from what started to be an ok week but soon turn into a hectic one, as per usual...
How's you both?
Finally sat down! Got slimming world sweet tater frys in the actifry, bbq chicken in the oven and House MD on the TV. 4 days off now, all housework done too! Bliss!
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6 weeks ago I started to nhs choices couch to 5k. The first week I really struggled to run for 60 seconds at a time, crashed on the sofa after each run and looked like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards. Today I ran for 25 minutes (first 5minutes uphill) and managed to cover a total distance of 4km. I am so proud of myself and cannot recommend the program highly enough for anyway wanting to shift a few pounds or get fit. I'm planning on doing my first 5k club run in 3 weeks time and cannot wait. It's honesty the best thing I've ever done
At the beginning of January I couldn't run for toffee, after building up slowly, I'm up to 7 miles a day, going to take it steady over the next 12 months so 14 miles a day will be easy, so the GNR will be a piece of cake! :D
I know I can't at the moment, but I dunno whether I will be able to in the future.
Thanks! There are lots and lots of cheap black and white cobs flooding every horse auction and every free are site, but there was just something about him that stood out to me. He was literally 5 mins walk away from my house, and such a friendly chap. :wub: