Chat Thread.

Evening everyone. Spent all day fighting with grids to make lids for my c&c cages, used every connector, grid and cable tie I have and still not happy. Need some sort of support to stop the grids sagging in the middle. On the plus side I get to bring gismo home from the sspca tomorrow :yahoo:
@BossHogg watching motorway cops, are highway agency officers different from police officers? Was watching and thought of you x
Yes we are, we don't have enforcement powers, we are just there to get the motorway flowing as soon as possible and help motorists. ;)
Yes we are, we don't have enforcement powers, we are just there to get the motorway flowing as soon as possible and help motorists. ;)
And very helpful you are, the officers were all so kind and helpful (possible because they were on TV) but it was nice to watch.
Aww, but you still get to drive around in big cars and help people in accidents or stupid people that let bikes fall off the back of their cars. I love these shows, it must be really interesting going to all these incidents x
Aww, but you still get to drive around in big cars and help people in accidents or stupid people that let bikes fall off the back of their cars. I love these shows, it must be really interesting going to all these incidents x

It has its moments. ;)
I've just started a thread but I'm going back to work on Monday after having 9 months off sick. I simply can not afford to stay off any longer :( New job role, new people and new hours. I'm bricking it :(

This is my third long absence in 35 years and it doesn't get any easier to go back x

Good luck Claire :hug:
Slay them girl :nod:

My baby boy took his last exam today.He has officially finished secondary school.He us going back to sixth form but not the same.Want to freeze my babies in time, they are growing up too fast
Awww shes so cute! Most of my cats just sit next to them and love to watch them :)
Do you have any grids left?If you put a line of grids down the middle it will strengthen the lid
My baby boy took his last exam today.He has officially finished secondary school.He us going back to sixth form but not the same.Want to freeze my babies in time, they are growing up too fast
My eldest has two more A levels to go, and my youngest has two more GCSE's to go, then they both finish school. Eldest wants to go to Uni, younger is in the middle of interviews for an apprenticeship in Engineering.

Like you I feel the time has gone too quick. The end of an era though, and on to new exciting times!