Chat Thread.

Oh no Claire :( That must be an awful feeling. Sending good luck to you, I really hope it all goes OK for you. You can do it and you have us to vent at if needs be!
I've just started a thread but I'm going back to work on Monday after having 9 months off sick. I simply can not afford to stay off any longer :( New job role, new people and new hours. I'm bricking it :(

This is my third long absence in 35 years and it doesn't get any easier to go back x
Good luck! :hug: You have all our support. X
It's a horrible feeling Claire, but you will get through it and be stronger for it in the end.
Oh @Claire W I can imagine how you feel, I have been off work for 3 months now and was supposed to be back this week, but as I now have pneumonia that plan was scrapped :( I hope you will be OK this weekend, I will be thinking of you. x
Oh @Claire W I can imagine how you feel, I have been off work for 3 months now and was supposed to be back this week, but as I now have pneumonia that plan was scrapped :( I hope you will be OK this weekend, I will be thinking of you. x

Oh no :( I do hope that you feel better soon.

Thank you for your well wishes. I wish I didn't have to go back but the longer it goes on for, the worse it gets x
You were probably just a little girl when it was first on nearly 20 years ago. ;)