Chat Thread.

Blossom Hill @Tim... That's not wine... :vom:
The price of wine these days is madness, we are well and truly ripped off! Couple of euro a bottle in in France can buy you some reasonable plonk :)
I'll go back to me Encore Cat Pot... :))
Help! Trying to do a bit of research into cat food and its a total minefield. I need wine and someone to just tell me what to buy! Some people say go raw?!?!?! And some say avoid dry food. But then wet food has so many pros and cons. :ple:

Use a mixture of both, dry food during the day and wet food morning and evenings. They need constant access to food so they can graze. So dry food is good for that, also a lot of dry food give them extra nutrients. Purina dry food is really good. It depends if your on a budget? And how old your cat is?
I'm the crazy cat lady got 4 fostered to many to count what do you need to know?
The naughty corner is a fabulous place.

It has more than cookies. It has all your favourite things! And goats...

Before trying a raw food diet with dogs or cats I would look into the potential health risks of a raw food diet.
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Use a mixture of both, dry food during the day and wet food morning and evenings. They need constant access to food so they can graze. So dry food is good for that, also a lot of dry food give them extra nutrients. Purina dry food is really good. It depends if your on a budget? And how old your cat is?
I'm the crazy cat lady got 4 fostered to many to count what do you need to know?
Thanks, that's a big help. Basically the cat I am adopting was found in a house with her dead owner, looks like she was there a few weeks before police got in. The vet is going to try and determine her age when he knocks her out to spay her and give her a health check. She also needs dental work apparently. I was looking at burns dry food and encore wet food, she's not had the best time so needs some Tlc and good nutrition. I did look at applaws and Lily's kitchen but it looks a bit expensive for my budget.
Thanks, that's a big help. Basically the cat I am adopting was found in a house with her dead owner, looks like she was there a few weeks before police got in. The vet is going to try and determine her age when he knocks her out to spay her and give her a health check. She also needs dental work apparently. I was looking at burns dry food and encore wet food, she's not had the best time so needs some Tlc and good nutrition. I did look at applaws and Lily's kitchen but it looks a bit expensive for my budget.

Oh I see, poor thing :( does seem like she's had a bit of a bad time! :( not out of choice of course but yeah, she'll probably be so happy to have a lovely home again!
Those brands are good! I actually use senior food for all my cats now as it's low in certain things that can potentially cause renal failure, which one of my cats has. But to be honest you could use senior dry food. The brands your looking at are good anyway! :)
Oh I see, poor thing :( does seem like she's had a bit of a bad time! :( not out of choice of course but yeah, she'll probably be so happy to have a lovely home again!
Those brands are good! I actually use senior food for all my cats now as it's low in certain things that can potentially cause renal failure, which one of my cats has. But to be honest you could use senior dry food. The brands your looking at are good anyway! :)
That's good to know. Just sent a cheeky wee email to burns asking for a sample of food, will wait & see if I get one. Can't wait to bring her home, the staff hadn't been able to get near her but she came straight to me for hugs and pets and I managed to get her old collar off for them. I think it's meant to be :)
That's good to know. Just sent a cheeky wee email to burns asking for a sample of food, will wait & see if I get one. Can't wait to bring her home, the staff hadn't been able to get near her but she came straight to me for hugs and pets and I managed to get her old collar off for them. I think it's meant to be :)

Awww wow, yeah some cats can just sense love! Bless her! Does sound like it's meant to be! Don't forget to post photos when you get her! I love me a cat photo! :D
Haha I always email company's for cheeky samples, OH is always sending me sample offers to that come up on that deal website thing?! Lol
That's good to know. Just sent a cheeky wee email to burns asking for a sample of food, will wait & see if I get one. Can't wait to bring her home, the staff hadn't been able to get near her but she came straight to me for hugs and pets and I managed to get her old collar off for them. I think it's meant to be :)
This definitely sounds like its meant to be! :) :luv:
Mornin Ruth! :D
Just got in from a miserable night at work :( Orf to bed now. It's going to be a lovely day today so I'll hopefully be up early to get piggies out to sunbath :) nighty night! :zzz:
Morning! Hope the weather stays nice. I'm going to be mean mummy today and give Peaches a bum bath. She's stinky!
I hope so too! Bath sounds like fun! No lawn time for the pigs today, need to pull the runs off and mow the lawn and plant some plants tonight!
I'm still in bed :) although its nail clip, skin conditioner for Edgar & Poe then a run around the bedroom. :)

I just got out if bed, OH made me a bacon sammich and my nose led me straight to it.
Did ambers nails yesterday she was a right wriggler! Need to clean her out as I'm going away for the weekend. So much to dooo and all I wanna do is sleeeeep
The boys are outside in the sun, destroying their hay stuffed tubes, and I'm about to clean out their cage. Time for tea first though!
Little do they know they'll be getting a bath before they go in their fresh cage later - I'm a mean Mummy today too Amie!