Chat Thread.

I'm a few series behind! But I've read the books so not desperate to see it. We really enjoy it though. A little different to the books in places but it has to be, and it's brilliantly done. Just that we hardly have time to watch. Also our kids are 16 and 18 and go to bed as late as I do, so it's not we can watch it in the evenings. They're both on exam leave so we don't have chance during the day either when hubby's between shifts. I waffle, but it will be a long time before we catch up with it :) No way I could ever watch it with the kids present, even though one of them is 18! Just doesn't feel right.
I could not watch GoT with my kids either, @Critter, no matter how old they were!
I loved the books at first but did get a bit fed up that everyone I liked died though.....

Is anyone else watching Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell? I love the book, and am enjoying the series very much :)

As I'm still poorly coughing, I'm watching Homes Under the Hammer and have just seen a house with a rabbit hutch fitted under the kitchen sink?! Poor bunny as it would have been far too small to live in, and how bizarre?!
Yes that does sound odd. I hope that they let the bunny have the run of the kitchen for most of the day.

Urgh. Sorry your cold's dragging on xx
I could not watch GoT with my kids either, @Critter, no matter how old they were!
I loved the books at first but did get a bit fed up that everyone I liked died though.....

Is anyone else watching Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell? I love the book, and am enjoying the series very much :)

As I'm still poorly coughing, I'm watching Homes Under the Hammer and have just seen a house with a rabbit hutch fitted under the kitchen sink?! Poor bunny as it would have been far too small to live in, and how bizarre?!

nothing says illness like homes under the hammer does it? The only time I ever watch it lol Get well soon!
Need advice peeps.Have been seeing someone for four months.We only see each other once or twice a week.Hard to see each other cos of his work, his mum (who needs help) and my commitments.We get on really well but he has just told me that he wants to keep things the way they are, He is saying that it will be at least twelve months before I meet his friends and family.He was stabbed by his ex wife twice and his last girlfriend has pulled some stunts so is over cautious.Has been on his own for five and a half years before he met me.I don't want to walk away from him but don't know if he is just taking me for a mug.I know he thinks the world of me.Please give me your opinions, I am really undecided as to what is the best thing to do.
To me it just sounds like he needs time. What do YOU want? If you are in no rush and you are both happy then let things be. He will come to trust and will realise that things can go further.
Have made the decision to walk away.Want to be with someone that wants to be a bigger part of my life and to come to family gatherings with me which he says he will never do.He is making it difficult
That's fair enough then. Everything has got to be mutual and if you aren't happy then walking away is healthier than staying for the wrong reasons.
My friend has been with more than one fella who has been 'burned' in love before, and they have drawn her and shown their affection yet kept her at arms length due to 'not wanting to get hurt'. She had waited patiently for the day when they start to relax and show a proper commitment, and the day never came. If he is truly doing this because he doesn't want to get hurt then I do have sympathy for him, but all he will succeed in doing will be to drive his potential loves away, yourself included. I hope he realises this.
I also have a friend (though we don't keep in touch now) who met a lovely fella who was just coming out of a bad relationship. He kept her at arms length and wouldn't tell his family or friends about her, yet in other ways seemed genuinely keen on her. She didn't persue it though. After some time they bumped into each other and the sparks flew again. By this time the circumstances were better, and he felt much better about properly allowing her into his life, and so therefore she did the same. They are now happily married and have been for some years.

Most men seem to just want a casual relationship forever when they keep you at arms length and don't include you in family or friend circles, and not wanting to be hurt is often an excuse. Even if it's genuine they never change their view or make a commitment, but for those who are genuinely hurt and need time to heel, well it could be that in the future you'll get together again when the time is right. In the meantime don't be afraid to move on x.
It might be healthier but it bloody hurts.
Falling in love and having it dashed is very painful, but so is the uncertainty of wondering if you will ever have a proper relationship with the one you are in love with. It's an awful situation to be in and I wish I could say something to take the hurt away. x
I agree, it does hurt, but it could have possibly ended in a lot more hurt if you weren't both happy furthur down the line. At least you have spoken to him and he's been honest with you about what he wants and expects.
He had issues with his ex few weeks ago and wouldn't tell me what happened.He totally shut me out for four days.When I was upset he was the person I wanted to talk to so that says a lot as well.
It does, it really does. If he's been badly hurt before then it's going to stay with him for a long while. It's either you become the person who he eventually trusts or the one that wasn't mean to be.
@madguinealady I'm really sorry, but I would not want to be with someone who never wanted to come to family gatherings etc either. Family is important to me and I would want to share that with my partner.

Oh well I am still coughing and sneezing - getting very very fed up now! The novelty of Homes Under the Hammer is wearing thin!
Oh no :( Try some honey and lemon in hot water, it's so good for coughs! Hope it clears up soon!
@madguinealady I'm really sorry, but I would not want to be with someone who never wanted to come to family gatherings etc either. Family is important to me and I would want to share that with my partner.

Oh well I am still coughing and sneezing - getting very very fed up now! The novelty of Homes Under the Hammer is wearing thin!
Hope your better soon!
Oh I just bathed the dog in the garden and he ran straight back inside to shake all over my pile of clean, dry washing!
But you still gotta love that pooch @Goth Mummy! :luv:

Massive hugs to you @madguinealady :hug: I had a similar situation a couple of years back. We lived miles apart, Only saw each other a handle full of times, we both felt it wasn't going to work but it hurt like hell to end it. You will be hurt for a while, we're all here for you to pick you back up again and put that lovely smile back on your face! :D xx

I just cooked me some pasta for work, I think I've done enough for the whole street! Anyone for pasta? :doh: :))
But you still gotta love that pooch @Goth Mummy! :luv:

Massive hugs to you @madguinealady :hug: I had a similar situation a couple of years back. We lived miles apart, Only saw each other a handle full of times, we both felt it wasn't going to work but it hurt like hell to end it. You will be hurt for a while, we're all here for you to pick you back up again and put that lovely smile back on your face! :D xx

I just cooked me some pasta for work, I think I've done enough for the whole street! Anyone for pasta? :doh: :))