Chat Thread.

They probably won't make a huge nest, we had one behind our pond, only around 10 of them and they never caused an issue even when we worked around the pond. I wouldn't worry about them, but if you do want to get rid you can get professionals in who will move the nest to somewhere else without harming the bees.
Wasps make a 'bee-line' for me! (pun totally intended lol) I've been stung 4 times! Twice on my hands, once on my neck and once on my arm, little so and so's!
Never been stung by a wasp. Been stung by a honey bee though. Was a hot searing pain and felt like I'd ripped a muscle a bit.

Urgh @Flutterby that's not pleasant! x
Yes. defo need bees.
Wasps do have their place though. They help control other insect numbers and they also pollinate more flowers than we give them credit for!
I dont care for wasps. I'm sure we would get along just fine without the little s****! Satanic creatures!
I once sat on a wasp getting into the car and it stung me on my bottom, repeatedly, and there was nothing I could do about it was I was already driving at the time. My God..... that was so painful, I have no idea how I kept control of the car.
Ouch.Have never been stung by either a wasp or a bee.Can imagine how painful it was.At least you didn't need to get the sting taken out, could have been embarrassing
@madguinealady after having given birth to two children,the second time with what felt like about 30 people in the room, I'm immune to that kind of embarrassment ;)
Whats everyone up to today? I'm hoping to finish sewing a 50s style skirt before I have to get the kids. I am still off work, but hoping to go in to the office for a couple of hours next week, then start building up to going back to my regular hours. This being ill lark has been miserable and I'm ready to get my life back now.
Yep, five kids and numerous internals and there isn't a lot to be shy about anymore.I've been on my course today, first time been out of the house since Tuesday cos been ill myself.My youngest boys sixteenth birthday tomorrow.Gonna be hard.
I really want one of these for when I get a smartphone