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Don't mind during the day but it's midnight.Obviously still outside.Feel really crap and its keeping me awake.

They might have a dog flap though, the people next door have a dog flap but occasionally our cats will sit on the fence or shed roof and wind the dog up. Most of the time they hear him bark and get up and stop him. I think the people over the back near me have a dog flap too but they obviously don't care when it barks. Probably the same for the dog near you.
I'm so tired today :( My body is like "Nope".
I hope you've put your feet up and had a brew? :)

I have indeed got my feet up! With a brew. Looking into Pilates haha. I need to get in the garden :( its so frustrating! I need to plant some more lettuces and carrots and things, its such a nice day here too.
I have indeed got my feet up! With a brew. Looking into Pilates haha. I need to get in the garden :( its so frustrating! I need to plant some more lettuces and carrots and things, its such a nice day here too.
Oo I bet Pilates would be good! Nice weather here as well. I'm lazy lol, we only grow dandelions.
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I still feel like total crap.Went to the shop and just about crawled back.Feel so weak.
That's all I've been doing, drinking tea.Don't know if it's just my cold making fibromyalgia worse or something else going on.If I don't feel any better by Wednesday will get blood tests done.
So do I.Got a house to run.My thirteen year old has taken over.Went shopping for me yesterday and is now in kitchen washing dishes.
What a good teenager! There aren't many who will take charge and help their parents. :)
I bet you are glad to have a little helper!
My kids,are great.If I'm skint my eldest daughter bails me out, the 22 year old will have the 15 year old whenever he wants and the twenty six year old is taking my youngest to the crem tomorrow cos I'm too ill.My two youngest hardly ever argue and share everything.
I'm ok, at home chilling. Been an awful couple of weeks but also feels strange that everything is starting to get back to normal. Hope you are ok!
Oh I had a horrible nightmare last night - I dreamt that I put my rabbit Katie in with the piggies and that she bit their feet off :( Of course I would never mix bunnies and guinea pigs, but it was a horrible, vivid dream. I don't usually have nightmares!

On a brighter note, I have been sitting in the sunshine watching the piggies on the lawn today and sewing. Very genteel LOL!
Oh I had a horrible nightmare last night - I dreamt that I put my rabbit Katie in with the piggies and that she bit their feet off :( Of course I would never mix bunnies and guinea pigs, but it was a horrible, vivid dream. I don't usually have nightmares!

On a brighter note, I have been sitting in the sunshine watching the piggies on the lawn today and sewing. Very genteel LOL!
Aw no, that's not nice!
Nice suprise to wake and find their feet still on though!
Yeah I woke up crying as I thought it was real! I know how my children feel when they have nightmares now :(
That's a superb Clanger @Malice! Love the Clangers, I never watched them as a child but hubby did and he introduced me to them as an adult! They're ace. Our two little biys loved them too (though they're not so little any more!)
Sorry to change the subject, but I have a bees nest under my kitchen window. So far it seems there's just two or three and I THINK it may be a Carder bee (type of bumble) but they don't stand still long enough for me to get a proper ID.
Bumbles are usually quite docile. We had larger bumbles up in the eaves and simply let them be. They did their thing and died at the end of the season, as bumbles tend to do. We never bothered them and they never bothered us.
These little ones though, right under the window that I open when I cook...... they're making me nervous. I really don't want to block their nest off, I like bees (though I am a bit phobic of them), but I don't know what to think..... Should I leave them alone do you think? I don't mind a few of them but sooner or later when more hatch there will be loads flying around!