Chat Thread.

Good afternoon chatters hope everyone is ok. I'm with my mum and sister keeping my grandma company. We are leaving her alone.
Hi flutterby.Went to course this morning for a couple of hours.Have had only couple of hours sleep and joints sore as hell
Had a long and stressful day. My grandma has been put on end of life care and is expected to pass in the next few days. We have family flying over from Greece on Thursday. Now its just time to be together with Grandma.
Oh gosh! Was she battling her illness for long? I hope she is made comfortable and that your family can see her before she passes. I'm so sorry. I remember losing my Grandma.. I loved her very much indeed. Hugs to you Flutterby x :hug:
Hurt by Johnny Cash is playing on the radio, oooh goosebumps! :)
Love this song.
Hows it going @jenniferanneharris ? The family took it in turns to sit with David's gran last September when she was dying, we were told it would take about 48 hours but it took 10 days. Its gruelling for the family, I know. Big Hugs to you. x
@Goth Mummy We are currently going through this. My family and I have been sat by her bedside for the past week. Monday she was given a week and today she's semi-comatose and we think she's hasn't got another 48 hours. It is grueling and horrible. Jenny I have every sympathy for you *hugs*
Yes. Have been there with my Grandma. I found myself willing her (with lots of love in my heart) to have a quick and peaceful passage as she clearly wasn't with us anymore and her body was giving up. It is awful watching loved ones linger when they are clearly ready to go. All the best to @Flutterby and @Goth Mummy . Hold onto those special memories x
Hows it going @jenniferanneharris ? The family took it in turns to sit with David's gran last September when she was dying, we were told it would take about 48 hours but it took 10 days. Its gruelling for the family, I know. Big Hugs to you. x

Bless you. My grandma is up and down- my family have seen her but i have not seen her in a few days as i am feeling ill. Getting awful migraines and cant do much at all and to top it all off- during the night last night i hurt my back- no idea how but woke up to a pain in my back. Its still sore, am on pain killers and heat patches trying to rest but keep moving about so i don't seize up. Am hoping i can get in my mums car tomorrow and visit- but hurts to sit/lie down for long x

Hope your all well x x
Bless you. My grandma is up and down- my family have seen her but i have not seen her in a few days as i am feeling ill. Getting awful migraines and cant do much at all and to top it all off- during the night last night i hurt my back- no idea how but woke up to a pain in my back. Its still sore, am on pain killers and heat patches trying to rest but keep moving about so i don't seize up. Am hoping i can get in my mums car tomorrow and visit- but hurts to sit/lie down for long x

Hope your all well x x

Sorry to hear this Jenny :( Bad times...

Hurt my back/neck a few years ago and the thing that helped the most was a cheap TENS machine from ASDA, really helped with the pain and I am sure doubled my recovery time.

Hope you get to see Grandma tomorrow. Much love to you all x
@Flutterby I am so sorry to hear this. As it was dragging on with David's gran an end of life care nurse came to see the family and said that everyone was getting too "involved" with her death, holding her hand and begging her to stay with them. I guess she was fighting to stay with us all :( So everyone had to take a step back and tell her it was OK to go. She did pass very quietly and easily when it happened.

@jenniferanneharris I'm so sorry you are ill again. And I second the recommendation of a TENS machine. I hope you are well enough to visit your grandma x
@Goth Mummy We are currently going through this. My family and I have been sat by her bedside for the past week. Monday she was given a week and today she's semi-comatose and we think she's hasn't got another 48 hours. It is grueling and horrible. Jenny I have every sympathy for you *hugs*
I am so sorry your going through this. We have no idea how long they think my grandma varies Dr to Dr etc...but she's not in much pain luckily...shed just tired all the time and very weak. My sister in law visited yesterday with my niece and Brought flowers n chocolates and sais she looked quite well and was a bit confused...but no one could visit today as everyone is working except me and I cant move much.
Really feel for anyone who has to go though this with a loved one. ((hugs)). X
Sorry to hear this Jenny :( Bad times...

Hurt my back/neck a few years ago and the thing that helped the most was a cheap TENS machine from ASDA, really helped with the pain and I am sure doubled my recovery time.

Hope you get to see Grandma tomorrow. Much love to you all x
Thanks...if still bad tommorow I may ask mum to nip out and get me one after work...but luckily its god a tiny bit better as the day has gone on...just hurts to breath heavy and cant lie down. Thanks x x