Chat Thread.

Mornin dear! :)
I've just got in from work, I'm cream crackered and orf to bye byes, chat laters! :)
It's dull and cold here, it's meant to rain this afternoon too :( hope you and your fur babies are well Jenny? x
Been pouring with rain all day here...and cold. Not long had a bath...but heading out soon to shop and to collect sister from work. Once home gonna curl up in PJ's and relax. Got a stomach upset last few days so feeling rather rubbish.
Animals are all well....Cas is as bonkers as ever lol...and Sweep and Nala are fine. ....the dog is also fast asleep on the sofa next to me....snoring lol.
Hope you and your fur babies are well :-) x x
Morning! Today should be a good day. Little brothers sports day at school and waiting for my solicitor to phone to say I can pick up the keys to my new home!! So excited I can't sit still.
Hope everyone else is having a good day :yahoo:
I need to be good and not spend too much. Shopping for a new bedroom chest of drawers and some towels to make fleece cage liners with :)
You will need to put up some pictures when you've made them. They have some lovely new colours in just now.
Morning Ruth :)
He had dental work earlier this week. I was very worried Thursday when he wasn't even taking his critical care very well. I was about to call the vets yesterday when he suddenly started to take in the critical care again. Poos everywhere now, yaay! :yahoo:
We weighed him daily since Tuesday and lost another 90g but today he has managed to put some back on. A long way to go yet but already I can see difference in him :luv:
Poor little man! Hope he's feeling better soon Tim, give him cuddles from me!

Lyza is doing well, she loves her septrin! She was a little noisy this morning but still her normal self. I'm grateful it's not effecting her in that way yet and hope it wont. She still has another 6 days of septrin left until next friday, hopefully it will clear it up :)
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