Chat Thread.

As the OH and lads are at the match (critical for Crewe) I've had a real baking session. Lemon drizzle cake and brownies cooling on the side and my fool proof fruit cake has just gone into the oven for 2 hours. My house smells gorgeous.
I'm all miserable, I think I over did it yesterday (decided to start painting my dresser at 10pm last night with Annie Sloan chalk paint) and two more of my stitches have come out, I'm in pain and bleeding :( So now banished to the sofa once more.

We have located the hamster :( He is in the cavity wall of the new extention bit of the house. I have no idea how to get him out. I guess he got in via the holes for pipe work in the kitchen, 9 year old son is inconsolable and we all feel a little stressed! We left bucket traps last night but he was not tempted by the lure of tasty hammie treats :(
As the OH and lads are at the match (critical for Crewe) I've had a real baking session. Lemon drizzle cake and brownies cooling on the side and my fool proof fruit cake has just gone into the oven for 2 hours. My house smells gorgeous.
That sounds delicious!
I'm all miserable, I think I over did it yesterday (decided to start painting my dresser at 10pm last night with Annie Sloan chalk paint) and two more of my stitches have come out, I'm in pain and bleeding :( So now banished to the sofa once more.

We have located the hamster :( He is in the cavity wall of the new extention bit of the house. I have no idea how to get him out. I guess he got in via the holes for pipe work in the kitchen, 9 year old son is inconsolable and we all feel a little stressed! We left bucket traps last night but he was not tempted by the lure of tasty hammie treats :(
Oh no! I'm really sorry. That sounds horrible. I hope you get better soon. xx
Poor little Hammie! Come out little guy!
Thanks! Poor Gandalf - he is such a happy and friendly little grey fluff. I do hope we find him. the alternative does not bear thinking about.
Thanks! Poor Gandalf - he is such a happy and friendly little grey fluff. I do hope we find him. the alternative does not bear thinking about.

At least you know where he is. Hopefully when he's hungry enough he'll come out for the food you've left for him. We had an escapee for over a week here once. She was nicknamed Houdini as she could escape from anything. On this one occasion she squeezed round a hole in the skirting where the gas pipe fed into the fire and we could hear her scrabbling away behind. Think she was living on crumbs round the place when she came out at night. She evaded all the traps. Eventually we found her curled up in the edge of a throw on the floor one morning. Think shed finally had enough of being on the loose. Hope Gandalf sees sense too.
What you need to do if possible is to put some light material tube on the end of the entrance, so he can push through it if he comes out for food but not be able to go back as as the matieral will collapse behind him, if that helps. Hope he comes out! :(
Something like a sock with the toe cut off would work :) Especially on a pipe! x
2015-05-02 15.43.04.webp

Puddycat: "I say old chap, it appears I require some assistance. Would you be so kind?"

Horse: "Neigh"

The carrier pigeon is on route to get me a slice! :D
Any carrier pigeon on yours Tim is in a pie! It's not on its way to get yummy succulant brownies! Enjoy your pie!

P.s I laughed way to much at that horse-cat picture :)):)):))
No! I've got anti Tim hats on all our carrier pigeons!