Chat Thread.

@Claire W it sounds like you need a different job, it is always easier to find work when you are actually in work, maybe you could work towards returning but be actively seeking a different job. I know that is going to be so hard though as you need a lot of resilience and confidence to be putting yourself out there into the job market.
Really though your health is most important and maybe that has to come first. You do not want to become so ill again. ((hugs)) Perhaps you can talk it through with your partner.
@Claire W it sounds like you need a different job, it is always easier to find work when you are actually in work, maybe you could work towards returning but be actively seeking a different job. I know that is going to be so hard though as you need a lot of resilience and confidence to be putting yourself out there into the job market.
Really though your health is most important and maybe that has to come first. You do not want to become so ill again. ((hugs)) Perhaps you can talk it through with your partner.
Totally agree.
Thank you @Goth Mummy and @jenniferanneharris My partner says I need a new job too but it's so hard finding one. When I completed my animal care qualification in 2013, other people were chosen for jobs over me as my confidence is at an all time low and then I have been ill again on and off since then.

I guess anything can happen in the future x
If only I could follow my own advice! LOL. my husband wants me to look for a new job as mine is too much for me at the moment, but I am feeling so de-skilled and have little confidence now, I would be useless in a job interview right now. Even I would not employ me!

I'm still laid up from my operation, had a scary day yesterday as one of my stitches split open! So I am spending today on the sofa with the lap top putting together a mood board on pinterest for my bedroom redecorating. Its kind of productive... right? I dont want to have to go back to hospital for restitching so I am being cautious :(
Bad news, the sub frame is fractured so the car is a write off - bloody pot holes! :rant:
I'm sorry Boss! What a crap day!

Today I've been arguing once again as they have messed up my prescription. I have enough to worry about without them messing up my meds as well! I'm sick to the back teeth of them messing things up AND doctors who have never seen my messing about with them too! STOP IT JUST STOP IT! :hb:
For the first time in almost 2 years I can open a fridge door without the high pitched shrieks of starving guinea pigs... And I hate it. Even at the supermarket it's weird as I don't instantly think, right what do the girls need. It's amazing how these little bundles of fluff take over so much of your life. :(
For the first time in almost 2 years I can open a fridge door without the high pitched shrieks of starving guinea pigs... And I hate it. Even at the supermarket it's weird as I don't instantly think, right what do the girls need. It's amazing how these little bundles of fluff take over so much of your life. :(

Let us tell you that the wheeking has re-commenced here especially from Harry & Lloyd this morning. We will need to do a sound bite at feeding time to let you hear what we have to deal with twice a day!

Lisa & Ali...x
Let us tell you that the wheeking has re-commenced here especially from Harry & Lloyd this morning. We will need to do a sound bite at feeding time to let you hear what we have to deal with twice a day!

Lisa & Ali...x

We should add ----- And loving it... x
I would love to hear that. Katie & nala were always the most vocal, maybe their still being a bit shy.
We had a chinese takeaway last night and when the delivery driver knocked on the door the pigs started wheeking. I think they wanted chinese!
When I had the ten the noise was so loud.Only have three now and it is so quiet.There is a video on here of my ten.Think it's called bedlam
That was a lovely video, @madguinealady I remember it.

I went to our local fabric shop today as they were having a sale, everything £1 or £2 a metre :) I now have loads more fabric and many plans. Since my horse died I have been throwing myself into my garden and sewing/craft projects. So much spare time now, I dont know what to do with myself! The garden is looking pretty good though :)
It's nice to see that you are busying yourself with things! I would love to see what you are making :)
@Flutterby did you find the same sense of loosing your daily routine when you sold Comet? Its amazing how much time a horse takes up in the day isnt it. So far I have been making dresses for my daughter and sun hats but I'm about to start sewing a camisole top for myself and then a gathered skirt with a fabric that has mexican Day of the Dead skulls on it :)

However I currently have to abandon crafts and the internet to go on a hamster hunt. My son has just accidently let his hamster, Gandalf, escape *sigh* ......
I jumped on a train last night from Atherstone to get back to brum, I ended up in Milton Keynes! :doh:
@Flutterby did you find the same sense of loosing your daily routine when you sold Comet? Its amazing how much time a horse takes up in the day isnt it. So far I have been making dresses for my daughter and sun hats but I'm about to start sewing a camisole top for myself and then a gathered skirt with a fabric that has mexican Day of the Dead skulls on it :)

However I currently have to abandon crafts and the internet to go on a hamster hunt. My son has just accidently let his hamster, Gandalf, escape *sigh* ......

Good luck finding the hammy!
My cousins son recently had an escape hammy! Was lost for a few days then they found it in a cardboard box they had left with treats in for it haha.
I jumped on a train last night from Atherstone to get back to brum, I ended up in Milton Keynes! :doh:

Did you enjoy your trip?!
@Goth Mummy Yes I did. Having horses is certainly a lifestyle, not a hobby. I felt lost for quite a while. Now though I wonder how I ever had the time for him! It's shocking really! You sound like you are making lovely little things :)

Tim... You are hopeless, lol! :P :P
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