Chat Thread.

This place has turned into the naughty corner hahaha.
What do I always walk into?!

Thank you to everyone who asked and I hope you are feeling better soon @Goth Mummy

The meeting was rather quite awful but I expected it. I don't really know much as another meeting has been scheduled for the 14th of May but this time my care coordinator will be involved. Depending on how that goes, I may be going back sometime in June but the thought is terrifying me and I really don't know until the 14th.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is OK?

I'm going to get my hair coloured and have a much needed hair cut later
Thank you to everyone who asked and I hope you are feeling better soon @Goth Mummy

The meeting was rather quite awful but I expected it. I don't really know much as another meeting has been scheduled for the 14th of May but this time my care coordinator will be involved. Depending on how that goes, I may be going back sometime in June but the thought is terrifying me and I really don't know until the 14th.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is OK?

I'm going to get my hair coloured and have a much needed hair cut later
Sorry to read you are going through a tough time at the moment, it must be awful. I hope things go better for you in the next meeting and you can get back to work soon xx
Like madguinealady said, it's good to get pampered now and then, enjoy it :)
Oh I'm sorry to hear that it was horrible Claire. I can't imagine having to face that. Sending you hugs! x
Thank you to everyone who asked and I hope you are feeling better soon @Goth Mummy

The meeting was rather quite awful but I expected it. I don't really know much as another meeting has been scheduled for the 14th of May but this time my care coordinator will be involved. Depending on how that goes, I may be going back sometime in June but the thought is terrifying me and I really don't know until the 14th.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is OK?

I'm going to get my hair coloured and have a much needed hair cut later
I completely sympathise with you Claire. Been through it myself, extremely difficult. In the end I returned but for a short period, got my head sorted to be strong, found another job and left... best thing I ever did. Now I'm stronger than I ever was. Best thing anyone ever said...'it's you that controls your mind, what people say...again it's only you that can control what you hear when they speak. It doesn't need to hurt you. Hear them speak, don't hear the words. Control what you want to think and where you want to be'.

That might sound like utter rubbish, but it really worked for me.
Hope you start to feel better real soon.:hug:
Sat at home instead of on night shift, I lost all steering on my way to work, left the road and nearly hit a wall! :yikes:
I've only just stopped shaking, my recovery has just brought me home. The car goes into the garage in the morning. Hopefully its something simple.
I've moved out my flat today and Into my dads house for a few weeks until I get my new house. Harry, Lloyd, Katie & Nala have gone on their holidays to @lisaali
I miss them already but I know they're in good hands. This really shows how much of a close knit community this forum really is. I really don't know what I would do without you guys :luv:
I've moved out my flat today and Into my dads house for a few weeks until I get my new house. Harry, Lloyd, Katie & Nala have gone on their holidays to @lisaali
I miss them already but I know they're in good hands. This really shows how much of a close knit community this forum really is. I really don't know what I would do without you guys :luv:

They are settling in to their new surroundings, wondering where all the strange Guinea Pig sounds are coming from. It hasn’t affected their appetite as all their supper time veggies are all gone..
Once they are more confident we will get some pigtures for you..

Lisa & Ali.. x
@BossHogg glad you're ok. Sounds terrifying.
@Claire W hugs to you and sound advice from @Mother Hubbard. I have also had to use tools from my CBT toolkit to get through situations like this.
@Goth Mummy I hope you get you results soon. The waiting is the worst part.

After my appraisal this week (which went well) I'm quite proud that I set personal goals to manage work life balance. Part of this was not being "got at" on days off and weekends by the business and being dragged in to help out and deal with stuff. Had a frank discussion about being an employee and it not being my business. My boss was receptive. As a result for the first time since August when I finished work I switched off the work mobile and left it on my desk. And am now in contactable til Tuesday. Feels odd but very empowering.
They are settling in to their new surroundings, wondering where all the strange Guinea Pig sounds are coming from. It hasn’t affected their appetite as all their supper time veggies are all gone..
Once they are more confident we will get some pigtures for you..

Lisa & Ali.. x
I don't think anything could affect their appetite! I can't even imagine the noise they will all make when it's veggie time :D
Bad news, the sub frame is fractured so the car is a write off - bloody pot holes! :rant:
@BossHogg I'm sorry that your car is a write off but so pleased that you were not hurt, it could have been disastrous. I lost my steering once in an old car and ended up in the middle of a roundabout, in that case it was something to do with the steering column and again the car was a write off. the important thing is you are OK.

@Claire W you were so brave to go into work. I'm dreading my return as I am scared that I will not cope. I hope you continue to feel better and stronger.

@VickiA well done on achieving a better work life balance. My husband is like you, even on the beach on holiday he will be responding to work emails and phone calls, its ridiculous.
Thank you everyone for your words and advise. It means a lot. You have to be so careful with what you say on places like fb where as here, I feel like I can open up and talk more. I don't have many friends nearby to offload on. This is the second time I have had a long absence since 2011 and my job doesn't help plus there have been a lot of changes and my hours are no longer the same. If it were up to my Psychiatrist, I wouldn't be going back at all but I don't want to be out of a job if I can help it. I wish I could find a new one. I shall keep you posted.

I hope you're ok @BossHogg
Hi everyone, been trying to catch up on this thread and everyone elses, i just dont seem to have enough hours in the day at the moment... madness.

@Claire W , sorry the meeting didn't go very well, i hope the next one isn't so stressful.

I hope everyone is well.

Today i am going to my grandmas again - picking her up at 1 with my mum and we are going for a drive down emsworth- somewhere she always loved to walk when she was able.Hopefully go for a coffee and cake somewhere also weather pending.
Grandma was a bit better yesterday- so that was good, but she isn't eating well- the home keeps a record of what and how much she eats- from what i understand that's normal for the stage of cancer she has. But all in all she doing well- luckily she isn't in much pain at the moment-so that's a blessing.

On a happy note, i am drinking a chilled espresso drink at the moment and its yummy :D