Chat Thread.

I haven't got a shower. :( there's nothing wrong with being naked, in fact I am right now! I'm still in bed having a little lie in after a late night settling the pigs down. ;)
Aww, I can't handle not having a shower it would drive me crazy. Wish I was still in bed Boss! Stayed up until 6 and jumped out of bed an hour ago to check on my new arrival (even though my husband told me at around 8:30 that she was ok, not dead from stress its fine) poor little bean is petrified being on her own in quarantine.

Having some break threws today, eating while sitting on me now, feels nice that she is starting to realise I'm not going to murder her the instant she puts food in her mouth. @_@
How are the pigs settling down for you?
They are getting on great, Luna the youngest one has just chattered in Alfie's face and scolded him for getting fresh! :)) got some good photos that I'll post when my laptop is on. ;)
Hi everyone, good to see you all :D I'm doing well. Been back from my grandmas for about an hour. She fell asleep in my visit- she was very tired so we just watched tv together. Am hoping later in the week to take her to a tea room for coffee and cakes as its only a few doors down from the home.

How are you all? x
Hi everyone.

I have to go in to work tomorrow for a meeting with my hr manager. I've been off work since October but she now has the report back from Occupational Health. I'm feeling very nervous about it :(
Hi everyone, good to see you all :D I'm doing well. Been back from my grandmas for about an hour. She fell asleep in my visit- she was very tired so we just watched tv together. Am hoping later in the week to take her to a tea room for coffee and cakes as its only a few doors down from the home.

How are you all? x

Aww, well atleast she knew you were there :). Oh that would be nice for her! Nothing like a bit of coffee and cake! Or.. Even coffee cake!
I'm good thank you, tippy had a huge dental operation yesterday so I've been really stressed out! Can't wait till recovery is over and he can be a normal kitten/young cat again!

Hi everyone.

I have to go in to work tomorrow for a meeting with my hr manager. I've been off work since October but she now has the report back from Occupational Health. I'm feeling very nervous about it :(

Do you know what the report says? Or will you not know untill you meet with hr manager.
Are you ready to go back to work? (Sorry to pry) hope your okay! Try not to worry though :hug:
@A&T , Oh no poor Tippy. Hope he is feeling better soon. How is he eating since the op? Pets are such a worry when they are poorly :( x x

@Claire W , Good luck, I'm sure your first day back will be fine. Take a deep breath before you go in and know we will be thinking of you x x
@A&T , Oh no poor Tippy. Hope he is feeling better soon. How is he eating since the op? Pets are such a worry when they are poorly :( x

He's eating okay, I've got him A/D from the vets which is basically pâté, and also bought some cat food pâté when I went tesco shopping, so I've been mixing that with warm water and he's been nomming that up! But he's not managed any mushed down normal food yet but it was only yesterday so I need to be patients.
Yeah it is horrible :( I just want him to be better. Had to take him back to the vet today because he has stitch coming out his mouth and I was worried it had come undone! Thankfully not it was just a bit of extra! But they cut it off and gave him more pain meds so I'm feeling a bit happier now. X
Thank you everyone. I'm not going back to work just yet and yes, I have seen the report. My psychiatrist has recommended another 2 to 3 months off and suggested a lot of recommendations to be put in to place to help when I go back. If it were up to him, I wouldn't be going back to work at all but I can't afford to be out of a job so I'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. I'm sure my employer aren't going to allow some of the recommendations anyway. They didn't the last time I had a long absence in 2011 / 2012 xx
He's eating okay, I've got him A/D from the vets which is basically pâté, and also bought some cat food pâté when I went tesco shopping, so I've been mixing that with warm water and he's been nomming that up! But he's not managed any mushed down normal food yet but it was only yesterday so I need to be patients.
Yeah it is horrible :( I just want him to be better. Had to take him back to the vet today because he has stitch coming out his mouth and I was worried it had come undone! Thankfully not it was just a bit of extra! But they cut it off and gave him more pain meds so I'm feeling a bit happier now. X
Bless him, hope he is eating soon. ((hugs to you both)) x x
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Hi everyone.

I have to go in to work tomorrow for a meeting with my hr manager. I've been off work since October but she now has the report back from Occupational Health. I'm feeling very nervous about it :(

I hope everything goes well.
@Claire W I am hoping for the best for you. I also have to go into work next week as I have been signed off for the last 7 weeks and I need to talk to my manager. I am nervous, so cant imagine how you are feeling :(

I had minor surgery this morning. I coped much better than I expected and the staff were lovely. The valium also helped LOL. I'm now sore and not looking forward to having my stitches out next week but feeling much calmer now its all over and am resting on the sofa watching Pretty in Pink. My consultant even said that the lump looks benign to her and not to worry but I will know for sure when they biopsy it but I'm just going to put it out of my mind now till I get results. :)
@Claire W I am hoping for the best for you. I also have to go into work next week as I have been signed off for the last 7 weeks and I need to talk to my manager. I am nervous, so cant imagine how you are feeling :(

I had minor surgery this morning. I coped much better than I expected and the staff were lovely. The valium also helped LOL. I'm now sore and not looking forward to having my stitches out next week but feeling much calmer now its all over and am resting on the sofa watching Pretty in Pink. My consultant even said that the lump looks benign to her and not to worry but I will know for sure when they biopsy it but I'm just going to put it out of my mind now till I get results. :)

I'm really glad the opp went well for you!
Haha Valium always helps!
Fingers crossed for you on the bi-op results! :)