Chat Thread.

Awww I'm so glad there doing well! Sounds like sweep has finally found his forever companion!
Amber is doing great! I'm about to upload some photos of her actually! :) she's been out it in her run as it's been such lovely weather!
Is Cas still indoors then? Is he gunna be an indoor wabbit now? Xx
Aw lovely, cant wait to see the pics :D. Yes Cas will be pretty much an indoor bunny, i would miss him outside i think, he may go out in the summer for a few months, or during the day, but will take each day as it comes. I think he loves having the space to run and loves to see people :) x x
Hi Guys, sorry i have not been about.
I have some sad news, my grandma has been in hospital again and we have found out she has bowel cancer- it has spread to the liver and now into the lungs, they think she has a few months probs (but cant be sure as she is too old/ weak to operate or to do any invasive tests- so we don't have a deff time scale). :(
Today/ Tomorrow she will be transferred from hospital to a nursing home. Its still a big shock even though its been about a week since we have found it- its still not real.

Hope your all well x x
I'm so sorry to hear this news . Sending hugs,
Aw lovely, cant wait to see the pics :D. Yes Cas will be pretty much an indoor bunny, i would miss him outside i think, he may go out in the summer for a few months, or during the day, but will take each day as it comes. I think he loves having the space to run and loves to see people :) x x

Awww yeah, thats why Amber never went back outside haha, I would have missed her! xx
It's been lovely and sunny here today :nod: but unfortunately the grass is still to cold for the piggies to go out :no:

So had a look at the weather forecast for the weekend and beyond SNOW on Monday... :yikes:
Oh No :( It's been lovely here for days, piggies have really enjoyed themselves when i've been able to get them out! I hope you don't get snow!
It been lovely here too! Amber thinks all her Christmases have come at once!
Got her a nice new hut too for inside her run!
Afternoon :) how is everyone today? I should be packing up my flat right now but decided to put the girls out in the garden & found myself joining them with a cider (me not the girls)
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Afternoon :) how is everyone today? I should be packing up my flat right now but decided to put the girls out in the garden & found myself joining them with a cider (me not the girls)

Hellooooo ;D! I'm trying to decide what to have for dinner... Pasta... Or salad? Hmm.
I could drink a cider right now!
When are you moving?! Have you got loads to pack up?
Oh how about pasta salad! I'm having a mixed fruits kopparberg, it's yummy. Most of my stuff is going into storage on Friday but I'm not moving out until the 30th. My mums coming over tomorrow to help so I should be doing it cause there's loads, but I HATE packing. It's so boring and I'm rubbish at organising stuff. Maybe if I do a bad enough job my mum will just do the rest for me.
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Oh how about pasta salad! I'm having a mixed fruits kopparberg, it's yummy. Most of my stuff is going into storage on Friday but I'm not moving out until the 30th. My mums coming over tomorrow to help so I should be doing it cause there's loads, but I HATE packing. It's so boring and I'm rubbish at organising stuff. Maybe if I do a bad enough job my mum will just do the rest for me.

Ohhh thats not a bad idea! Thanks! I'll have a pasta salad! That way I don't have to decide :D! I can have both!

Ooo I love mixed fruit ciders! Bet that's lovely! I need to get myself some ciders! Prepare myself for this meet on Saturday! Are you coming to that?

Oh I see, do you have someone else to move into? Or moving in with a friend/family?
Haha I do that, I hate packing suitcases so I do it really badly so my mum ends up tipping it out and doing it for me :)):inn:
I've only ever moved once and that wasn't even really me moving, I helped my OH move all his things a few times! Its so annoying, so I feel for you!
I'm moving into my dads house for a couple of weeks until I get the keys for my new house. So annoying having to move twice but it will be worth it in the end.
Morrisons are doing four bottles of cider for £5 just now, there's hardly any left so don't wait too long!
I wish I could go to the meet but it's a bit far and I have a lot on. The Glasgow one was fab so will definetly try and make another one. It's so nice putting faces to names. Don't forget your piggie toy!
Kasper and Quinn after being outside. It must have been too much hard work, they were only out for 45 minutes!


I want to join them...
I'm moving into my dads house for a couple of weeks until I get the keys for my new house. So annoying having to move twice but it will be worth it in the end.
Morrisons are doing four bottles of cider for £5 just now, there's hardly any left so don't wait too long!
I wish I could go to the meet but it's a bit far and I have a lot on. The Glasgow one was fab so will definetly try and make another one. It's so nice putting faces to names. Don't forget your piggie toy!

Ohh well at least its only a couple of weeks! Yeah bit annoying moving twice! But like you said, it will be worth it in the end once you're moved in and settled :)!
Oh :( thats a shame! Haha I don't have a piggy toy actually! I need to get one!
Does anyone give their piggies veg if they've been out on the grass. The girls are asking for tea but they were out for about 2hours so don't feel they need it..
I grab some grass before I lock up so if they squeeks for veggies I can give her a handful of grass :)! Amber always get a piece of cucumber before bed too. Without fail.
Lola has had a massive stroke and is close to death, it will be over by the time I get home at 11. I wasn't with Betty when she died, I'm going to miss Lola's passing too :(