Chat Thread.

Very subdued day in the Hogg houshold, cleaned the buns hutch out and spent a couple of hours playing with Alfie in the living room, trying to convince MrsHogg that we should get a mature lady piggy to keep Alfie company but she's having none of it! :(
Sorry was eating dinner.
I had a very productive day actually, cleaned my room and got rid of loads of rubbish too!
Ohh the range! I need to go to the range! Keep saying I need to go but keep forgetting!

Awww boss :( I'm sorry! Maybe after a while you can convince her! She probably feels it would be like replacing her at the moment.
It took me 2 weeks to convince her to get Alfie after Rebel and Angel died.
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Evening all ( bending at the knees).
so today I went to Sat Baines Restaurant in Notts for a work thingy...anyway. There we were sitting outside in the garden waiting for the guests to arrive and I spot a hutch...well I couldn't believe it!

they have free-ranging bunnies, check this out!
IMG_0032.webp IMG_0041.webp
There you go then! She might come round! Don't give up hope yet! :)

Awwwwwwwwwwww look at those bunny's! They are adorable! God thats the best restaurant ever! I need to go there!
lashing it down here too, we're used to it, its not the lake district for nothing. ;)
Hi boss.I know it's early but if you can convince Mrs Hogg please let me know.I have an older girl that would possibly be a match.Fibromyalgia getting worse and can't afford vets bills so cutting down but will only send my animals to special homes.
Hi boss.I know it's early but if you can convince Mrs Hogg please let me know.I have an older girl that would possibly be a match.Fibromyalgia getting worse and can't afford vets bills so cutting down but will only send my animals to special homes.
How old are they?
I have one that is anywhere between 2 to 4, she was a rescue so not entirely sure. The other one I would be prepared to give up to you is round about 12 months old so maybe too young for you.You could take on both if you could persuead mrs hogg but you did say you wanted older ones. Are these too young for you?
I'll try my best to persuade her to take the older one, it may take me a couple weeks to work on her, have you got a picture, it might help. ;)
It is sunny your end guys? It is mine :) Lawn still damp from yesterday though! Grr!
It's overcast and horrible here.. No peaking for me.