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Just aswell I was starting to become a bit shaky!
Currently escorting a frog out of my garden so the cats can't get it... What has my life become......
Your cats would love our garden, 100s of frogs hopping about!
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@jenniferanneharris how have you been?! You've not been around much! Just checking in making sure your okay!? :) how's the pigs?! And wabbit?!
Hi Guys, sorry i have not been about.
I have some sad news, my grandma has been in hospital again and we have found out she has bowel cancer- it has spread to the liver and now into the lungs, they think she has a few months probs (but cant be sure as she is too old/ weak to operate or to do any invasive tests- so we don't have a deff time scale). :(
Today/ Tomorrow she will be transferred from hospital to a nursing home. Its still a big shock even though its been about a week since we have found it- its still not real.

Hope your all well x x
Hi Guys, sorry i have not been about.
I have some sad news, my grandma has been in hospital again and we have found out she has bowel cancer- it has spread to the liver and now into the lungs, they think she has a few months probs (but cant be sure as she is too old/ weak to operate or to do any invasive tests- so we don't have a deff time scale). :(
Today/ Tomorrow she will be transferred from hospital to a nursing home. Its still a big shock even though its been about a week since we have found it- its still not real.

Hope your all well x x

Jenny, I am so sorry for this awful news. Sending you, your Grandma and your family all my love. I know there is nothing that can be said to ease the pain you are all going through. If you need to chat, just drop me a pm x
Hi Guys, sorry i have not been about.
I have some sad news, my grandma has been in hospital again and we have found out she has bowel cancer- it has spread to the liver and now into the lungs, they think she has a few months probs (but cant be sure as she is too old/ weak to operate or to do any invasive tests- so we don't have a deff time scale). :(
Today/ Tomorrow she will be transferred from hospital to a nursing home. Its still a big shock even though its been about a week since we have found it- its still not real.

Hope your all well x x
I'm so sorry. Sending hugs. xx
Hi Guys, sorry i have not been about.
I have some sad news, my grandma has been in hospital again and we have found out she has bowel cancer- it has spread to the liver and now into the lungs, they think she has a few months probs (but cant be sure as she is too old/ weak to operate or to do any invasive tests- so we don't have a deff time scale). :(
Today/ Tomorrow she will be transferred from hospital to a nursing home. Its still a big shock even though its been about a week since we have found it- its still not real.

Hope your all well x x

Oh no :( I'm so sorry! Huge hugs to you and your family! Xx
Thanks all. We have moved some of her stuff into her room so when hospital transport bring her she will have some familiar things such as photos and some of her favourite horse ointments- plus clothes etc.
She will either be moved tonight / tomorrow it just depends. Either way i will be popping in to see her tomorrow again.

How are you all? x x
Thanks all. We have moved some of her stuff into her room so when hospital transport bring her she will have some familiar things such as photos and some of her favourite horse ointments- plus clothes etc.
She will either be moved tonight / tomorrow it just depends. Either way i will be popping in to see her tomorrow again.

How are you all? x x

That will be nice for her! At least she will have some of her own belongings.
I hope the move goes okay for her :)

I'm okay thank you. How are your little ones? Xx
That will be nice for her! At least she will have some of her own belongings.
I hope the move goes okay for her :)

I'm okay thank you. How are your little ones? Xx
Thank you, glad your well. The little ones are fine, Cas is bonkers as ever and loves waking me up with his mad antics during the night, he cracks me up lol. The piggies are good, Nala and Sweep are getting on fine and are happy - so that's good :) x
How are your little ones?x
Thank you, glad your well. The little ones are fine, Cas is bonkers as ever and loves waking me up with his mad antics during the night, he cracks me up lol. The piggies are good, Nala and Sweep are getting on fine and are happy - so that's good :) x
How are your little ones?x

Awww I'm so glad there doing well! Sounds like sweep has finally found his forever companion!
Amber is doing great! I'm about to upload some photos of her actually! :) she's been out it in her run as it's been such lovely weather!
Is Cas still indoors then? Is he gunna be an indoor wabbit now? Xx