Chat Thread.

It never does :(
Good morning Ruth, I'm orf to bye byes now, nighty night :zzz:
What do you mean by disgusting?
I think what @autumnmoon was asking ...

" do you need to clean guinea pig's ears - as others are discussing"

I check my guinea pigs' ears to make sure there is not a build up of wax. If you do clean their ears - just clean the outside . Never use cotton buds.
I need to clean lloyds ears once in a while she gets a build up of horrible black waxy stuff. :vom:
I've come to work with a heavy heart today, I think there maybe something wrong with Lola, when I went in the shed to feed them this morning, she was very quiet, still perky and running round the hutch, but she didn't scream to be fed like she normally does. I gave her a quick check over, her eyes are bright and clean and she feels ok. Its possible she may have still been sleepy and not hungry. Alfie on the other hand had his snout straight into the food bowl.
I'm dreading going home, MrsHogg is going to phone me if there is any bad news. :(
Yep, she was out in the garden yesterday and raiding the rabbit's hutch as she always does!
:( I hope she's back to her normal self when you get back home mate.
Just gone in the garden - Lola is up to her belly in green spaghetti cramming it down her throat! I think she's ok! :yahoo: