Chat Thread.

No he got out in time, he's now nailing the door shut to try and stop the smell from getting him! :lol!:
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Gunna tuck into my Easter egg!
With a token cat who also seems to be eyeing it up!
I take after my mum, she's always been a bit of a party animal and can still make a bottle of wine disappear! :D
I've found the facts behind the Grantham 'beer fest'. It wasn't actually a festival as such, it was a carnival by day which turned in to a party in the park with live bands and beer in June :D
If I still had a camper van I'd be tempted!
Hello, TGPFers :) Thought I would visit the chat thread :) it is lovely to be back amongst everyone.

Just took Vimto to the vets as she has a URI, she wee'd in the carrier so had to have her on lap as she is long haired she was soaked.... She is a BIG pig and was the size of a puppy in there :) One woman said 'Is she a puppy too?' :))

Am just off to put together a Garden hoover/blower what a cool man tool :)
Hey Lee, good to see you back. Hope Vimto recovers quickly from the UTI. There's nothing worse than when they are under the weather.

Good afternoon everyone :-)