Chat Thread.

Morning to you all too. I feel slightly sick from the amount of chocolate I've eaten. Anyone else?

I had a kinder egg and felt really sick, I don't have chocolate often! I got a lindt Easter egg though so roll on more sicks!
Ooh Lindt how posh! I ve got a Ferraro rochet (sp) egg for later so more sicks for me too!

Ohhh I saw that! My OH loves Ferraro rochet so I was really tempted! We had already said no eggs though so I didnt :(!
There was a very fancy after eight one too! I always end up with a lindt something or other from my nan, and my mums always ends up with creme eggs even though she hates them!
My account seems fine :)
My brain is slightly different though :crazy: Methinks I'll go back to bed for a bit :) :zzz:
Anyways, I decided to get up after another quick doze and get the paint brushes on this thing...
I can access the forum on my Android tablet but not on my windows laptop