Chat Thread.

Yo Yo! - the big bad boss is in da house! on nights and ready to patrol the forum. :yahoo:
I think its all the chocolate! you've all gone really crazy on all the chocolate! STEP AWAY FROM THE EASTER EGGS!
I think its all the chocolate! you've all gone really crazy on all the chocolate! STEP AWAY FROM THE EASTER EGGS!
I haven't touched any chocolate at all, I'm a good boy, I don't eat bad things any more! :inn:
Morning everyone. Just wanted to pop on before I went to work to share that my little Nala bear has found her inner chirp. Got woken up at 7am by her chirping, thought it was the hamster wheel at first, lol. Anyway will try & get a video if it happens again. Does anyone know what it means? X
Morning everyone. Just wanted to pop on before I went to work to share that my little Nala bear has found her inner chirp. Got woken up at 7am by her chirping, thought it was the hamster wheel at first, lol. Anyway will try & get a video if it happens again. Does anyone know what it means? X

I have tried (unsuccessfully) to find some old posts about chirping/singing . No-one knows why guinea pigs do this . It would be worth starting a separate thread - especially if you manage to get some video of Nala doing it .
Lucky thing! My Lola is a bit of a terror getting her nails trimmed, but found a new technique recently, which appears to work.
Couldn't cope with nail trimming in the morning! Too stressful! :))

I've eaten three creme eggs, one Easter egg, and two hot cross buns....over the last few days.