Chat Thread.

Ahhh found out today my verbal offer on a flat has been accepted. Now just need to sort out the mortgage and find a solicitor that doesn't charge a fortune :yikes:. Good news I may be moving in in 6 weeks or so, bad news I have to tell my flatmate who already isn't speaking to me. Handing in my notice on the flat tomorrow hopefully :yahoo:
Take That - These Days :hb:

:cen: song, not even a song in my opinion, by a cheesy band! Do you think I can get it out of my head? Nope! I'll just continue to annoy the heck out my work mates singing along tunelessly :))
I think we were better off talking about tea - well, less violent anyway !

How's that pond filling up @Tim ?
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Hahaha! I'm sure your sat in your best 'Take That' Tshirt and singing it with pride really :P
Who's pond?!?

Was that an innuendo? I'm confused.
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So.. whats everyone doing tomorrow?!