Chat Thread.

If I eat beetroot tomorrow, I'll be able to pee the colours of the rainbow! :lol!:
Morning I had a little accident at the weekend had the equivalent of 13 stone weight hit me on my head. Bit sore but getting better got some nice painkillers.
I dont understand why anyone would willingly come to London.

What are you coming down for?! Shopping?! Theater?!
I didnt diss it :yikes:! If you had said shopping or theater I would have said oh well your coming to the right place!
if you had said.. you are coming to look at the property market or to walk around the suburbs.... I would have told you to run!
We'll get on just fine then, we're a special kind a wired up here :crazy: :))
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Thank god I'm not going - I don't think I could put up with a pub full of alcoholic, care in the community patients! :yikes: :lol!:
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Hey everyone. Sweep and his lady friend are home. Picked them up at 2.30. Shes so cute and small...just a baby...although in a week she has grown from when I last saw her. They are both doing well...when she's a bit braver will take a pic...but don't wanna frighten her. She loves following Sweep round the cage atn they are out eating hay. X