Chat Thread.

I hear there is a fire on a London road and there is worse traffic. It better have cleared on Saturday, or I will set Lola on them!
There was a fire underground in holbon. There will only be traffic around that area. OH went to work this morning and traffic was fine apart from your typical morning rush traffic. He works on central.
Have a lovely time @katie-elizabeth
I'm taking it easy today ;) I'm trying not to challenge myself at the moment. I paid the final (huge!) vet bill for Domino today, then I have to send his horse passport back to the agency for DEFRA to mark him as deceased, it really feels like its all over now :(

I didnt think that the anti-anxiety tablets were working but then I spent all night dreaming that I was riding on a flying carpet (it was like in Aladin!) so maybe they are LOL!
I hate those dreams where you feel like you're falling off the bed, then when you wake up you're never near the edge at all. Those ones are horrid!
I find the sound of the engine chugging along quite therapeutic :)

Chug chug chuggalug :D
Yeah it was fine thank you. I had some horrible testing gel put on my molars. But not fillings or anything needed.