Chat Thread.

Still half asleep! Been up 2 and a half hours, sat on a motorway observation platform. :zzz:
I went to bed at 6.30 last night after falling asleep on the couch. Still didn't want to leave me bed this morning!
It's now at that stage were I'm coughing up the bad stuff. Good in a way, but don't I feel so darn sexy! :P

oh the protective big brother stuff. I remember that very well
Good morning.This thread made me laugh so much.Our youngest is the only girl ,and has six elder brothers.Daddy said he wouldn't let her out of the house until she was at least forty,but our eldest son said forty five.Good job our Amelia has me,she wouldn't be seeing anybody otherwise,but then if the future boyfriends are contemplating dating our daughter,they need to get past me,then the husband,and then the brothers! Think it might be a bit off putting don't you lol!
Ha ha. It sounds like any future prospective boyfriends will have a tough time;-)
Hahahaha everyone thinks I'm really weird! I don't have my beans on my toast either.. I have my toast.. And then my beans... Can't deal with soggy food! Give me the heebie jeebies even thinking about it! I'm glad I'm not alone either!

I thought it was windy here! And I'm in London where its fairly sheltered! Your near the coast! I bet you can't even stand up outside! I nearly for blonde over when I went our earlier! And it was vertical rain so my whole right side was soaked! :( I thought spring was meant to be nice!
It also sounds like you'll never have to play for a plumber again! Got yourself a mini plumber there! Hahaha.
Morning.The weather is much better today.We actually have some weak sunshine,so much for the first day of British summer time yesterday,it was more like a real winter's day.Amelia is only 2 1/2 but she likes to be so involved.She is the only girl with six older brothers,so having her really is different,as we have never had a little pink bundle before.We have found her a lot more intense than the boys,but so bright and wanting to be into everything,and she only needs showing once.The three eldest have left home now,and our Martin lives in Plymouth with his fiancee Jes and our two grandsons,who are five and three next month,Dan lives in Newcastle and is with Steph,Scott is in Newton Abbott and single,and then Rhys,Callum,Keiran are all still at home,but hopefully Rhys is off to uni in Septemeber,so another one will be flying the nest! All go,never a dull moment and always busy!
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Ha ha. It sounds like any future prospective boyfriends will have a tough time;-)
I must admit I do feel sorry for our little miss,hopeing daddy and brothers will chill more as they get older,but I'm sure by the time Amelia gets to her teenage years,with the stroppy tantrums and behaviour,oh and not forgetting the grunts that teenagers class as conversation,they will be happier to see her out and about lol!
Amelia is only 2 1/2 but she likes to be so involved.She is the only girl with six older brothers,so having her really is different,as we have never had a little pink bundle before.We have found her a lot more intense than the boys,but so bright and wanting to be into everything,and she only needs showing once.!

I have observed the same thing in the difference between my son and daughter @suepen I have a 9 1/2 year old son and a 3 1/2 year old daughter, and my son (who is actually very bright in other ways) will still stand vacant there whilst I put his coat on etc, lets me pick his clothes out for him, is pretty clueless about "common sense" stuff whereas my daughter is totally switched on all the time, watches what you do so she can copy you, chooses her clothes and dresses herself etc and then she sorts out her brother - shes always finding his school uniform and home work books for him etc!
I'm so bored, sitting in hospital waiting to be discharged. Oh and and it snowed this morning, what's that all about?
I've just been in today to get a grommet put in. If they ever suggest a local anaesthetic again I may cry. Hopefully be leaving in the next hour and going home to some piggie cuddles and a decent cup of coffee
Oh poor you. Was it awful? I have to have a procedure done under local aneasthetic soon and I'm so scared that it will be painful. The things I have had done under a local (stitching after having had my first baby) were horrific.
They used a cream to numb it but it didn't work (apart from numbing my tongue) so they had to inject a local as well. It was awful, never again! The wee student nurse had to run out of theatre as well to be sick at the sight of my ear drum bleeding :doh:
That sounds really horrible :( I'm so sorry for you. I just hope the grommet works then. x
Yay, so glad to be home. Was supposed to go to the cinema tonight but I'm pretty deaf now so will have to cancel. How's everyone else's day going?
Yay, so glad to be home. Was supposed to go to the cinema tonight but I'm pretty deaf now so will have to cancel. How's everyone else's day going?
I am well thank you!
I have just backed up and restored my ipad, now my iPad's imessage is working again. So I am feeling pretty happy.

Hope you are ok.
Woohoo! :yahoo: I hate hospitals! Great that you're in and out so quickly!
I've hardly got out of my pit today, preparing myself for nightshift, only three to do this week :)