C&C - Grids/Cubes/Connectors

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Hi teacrate packaging sell correx. There is enough for a 2x1 loft and 2x4 on bottom. I always order 2 sheets.
Each sheet is average door sized. http://www.teacratepackaging.co.uk/correx-board

I bought some from here and whilst it is fine to use, I would have liked a bit thicker. The board is only 2mm thick so the finished box is a bit wobbly and the sheets are prone to bending very easily whilst handling. I am thinking 4mm+ might be a better option, but I have to say that this is the cheapest I found in London when I bought it in Feb 14. I don't have any transport so have to rely on mail delivery usually but was able to pick my sheet up from their Harlesden depot.
I bought some from here and whilst it is fine to use, I would have liked a bit thicker. The board is only 2mm thick so the finished box is a bit wobbly and the sheets are prone to bending very easily whilst handling. I am thinking 4mm+ might be a better option, but I have to say that this is the cheapest I found in London when I bought it in Feb 14. I don't have any transport so have to rely on mail delivery usually but was able to pick my sheet up from their Harlesden depot.

I was thinking that next time I would stick two sheets together. If it would work out cheaper than 4mm. I haven't had any problems with the 2mm thankfully but I also would have liked it a bit thicker as it would have been easier to cut! A reasonable amount of Duck Tape seems to have worked :)
I was thinking that next time I would stick two sheets together. If it would work out cheaper than 4mm. I haven't had any problems with the 2mm thankfully but I also would have liked it a bit thicker as it would have been easier to cut! A reasonable amount of Duck Tape seems to have worked :)

Yes absolutely. I used normal sellotape initially but everytime I would wash the box in the bath water would seep through and I knew eventually I would need to find something stronger and more waterproof. Also, I have put duct tape on the top borders as otherwise the piggies eat the correx to bits and make big holes, the strength of the duct tape has stopped this thought they like to nibble at it occasionsally lol
Yes absolutely. I used normal sellotape initially but everytime I would wash the box in the bath water would seep through and I knew eventually I would need to find something stronger and more waterproof. Also, I have put duct tape on the top borders as otherwise the piggies eat the correx to bits and make big holes, the strength of the duct tape has stopped this thought they like to nibble at it occasionsally lol

If you are replacing the correx at some point these plastic slide binders have stopped my boys chewing through. I got them on ebay for less than £2 for around 15 :)

If you are replacing the correx at some point these plastic slide binders have stopped my boys chewing through. I got them on ebay for less than £2 for around 15 :)


Ah yes, I saw these recommended on a YouTube video a while back. I am considering to make 2 C&C cages at some point so I will try to remember to put these on the shopping list also.
Just found a website that sells grids and connectors are pretty good prices

Wayfair are cheaper as 20 grids on that site are £57 compared to £34 with Wayfair, you have to buy your own connectors too andn they are smaller: 33cm vs 38cm.

You can also get 4.04% cashback on TCB with Wayfair making it £2.34 cheaper. Postage on the site you give is astronomical! For 1 grid and 1 set of connectors each it is £12.95, on Wayfair it is only £4.99 and actually the price is NOT £34.99 but comes to only £28 even with the £4.99 postage when you get to checkout! It must be an error, so you get 40 grids for the same price of 20 on the other site! BARGAIN BUY NOW!

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I have found grids on amazon for £32.61
Thanks Annie much appreciated just ordered new correx as I had to cut mine when I split the boys so want them to have sides up each end and these will be handy so it keeps chew free once i get it. The correx you posted was great 14 quid for 2 lots! Thanks for that :)
Has anyone tried the 99p stores as they tend to stock lots of stationary? I imagine they would be much cheaper.
I got my grids from here, really fast delivery and my correx from here which was also fast delivery and was delivery in excellent condition.

I also got these just because i know one of piggies will chew anything
I'm halfway through building a 3 level 2x4 and will post pics hopefully tomo or thus depends when i get it finished.

Does anyone know what shop have them slide binders ? I've finished my cage yesterday and my piggies are chewing the correx so I need to get them binders asap.
I got my grids from here, really fast delivery and my correx from here which was also fast delivery and was delivery in excellent condition.

I also got these just because i know one of piggies will chew anything

I'm halfway through building a 3 level 2x4 and will post pics hopefully tomo or thus depends when i get it finished.


Wow that correx is extortionate! They don't live on bread alone! lol

Have given me an idea to just go and buy a whole load of 2m x 1m x 2mm at £4 a sheet, undercut that seller and still make 100% profit!

Can I ask, how was it delivered? By a courier and wrapped in hard cardboard?
anyone in the eastbourne area?

LOL I see you thought of a similar idea with the grids :tu: ..Unfortunately, if anyone was to read through this thread then they will find they can get it cheaper..

One thing I find highly irritating with us Brits online is that WTH are ppl doing still using inches?! We are metric from years ago and it's annoying to have to keep converting all the time. I am 35 and we were all taught in metric at school so don't understand where the others learnt that from unless they are O Level and older types. It's actually illegal even to only state in imperial so I don't know why lots of shops still do it. eBay is full of this.

I wanted to ask, how do you make an access panel/door for the C&C cage? I am wanting to make a separate double/triple storey one but aside from seeing that some of you have actually built frames out of wood on which to place them individually so access is very easy, how can you create access panels on stacked cages? Is there some sort of hinge u get that you can make a swing panel?
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Does anyone know where I can get more grid connectors from. I have found one place but they want £1 for each connector. Thanks
I then purchased my correx from a national company. They charged me £18 inc VAT for 2 4x8 ft sheets of 4mm correx. I got white but other colours are also available.
They do deliver but they were going to charge £15, so I decided to collect this myself as they have a product centre in Team Valley, Gateshead (Newcastle). The website for this company is: http://www.amariplastics.com/amariplastics/products/productview.asp?tid=149

They have many different locations across the country so try giving them a call and placing an order, thats what I did!

Originally I was going to place an order with http://www.candccages.co.uk/ but for the size and layout I wanted (5x2 with 2 1x2 lofts), it would going to cost £95 plus £15 P&P, totalling to £110!

Hi there, I'm looking to buy enough correx to fit a 3x5 C&C cage with two 3x1 lofts (and possibly a landing between the two). I was going to buy the 2mm correx from Tea Crate Packaging but now I'm thinking 4mm would be better, having read through all these comments!

The company you referred to have a branch in my home town, so I just wanted to check that that was still thr gith link for what you ordered? As they don't actually refer to it as correx, or corotherm, so just want to make sure it's the right stuff first! Did you have to call them to find out how much it would cost? http://www.amariplastics.com/amariplastics/products/productview.asp?tid=149
Hi all, how heigh do you all make the correx sides on your cages? I want to make our cage 3 grids wide instead of 2 but 4' would only leave 7cm to go up each side (maybe a little shorter by the time it's scored?). We are planning on using sawdust in the cage as our piggies won't wee on anything else (!) and our boy is a real kicker! I thought we could maybe glue another taller piece behind the shorter sides - do you think that would work? Any advice appreciated as I know you all have such diverse and amazing cage setups! :) Loving all the photos on this forum, they've certainly given me a few ideas!
Just thought this maybe of interest. 60 grids for £52 plus postage! What a bargain!

I know there's been loads of replies on here but I don't know what is still relevant, I really want to build my two little girls a cage, I didn't realise just how small the one p@h sold me :( where's the best place in the UK to get the mesh cubes and correx? :)
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